Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

TEFL Course

I have always wanted to move to another country and teach English but never really knew how to do it. After hearing from 2 of my friends who took the course they convinced me to sign up. I started the course in January and just completed it. I am still working on my final lesson project but expect to be done in the next few days. I would definitely recommend this course. The lessons are very thorough and explain many topics. I thought overall the course was is difficult but very informative. I can't wait to find a job and move to Europe!

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Miguel Angel
Yes, I recommend this program

The best course online you'll ever find!

I had the chance to take the TEFL course one year ago and I have to say I was satisfied with everything, but a part of me wanted to complete the 450-hour course (which I did) and I have to admit it, the course itself exceeded my expectations, whether you are starting a new career or if you are an experienced teacher (this is for you!!), this course is for everyone who wants to go further and thanks to the 450-course I was able to get the job that I wanted in China and my evaluation was higher than the rest of the teachers who applied for the same position, and this comment is not enough to thank the team at ITTT for the opportunity I was given, their education helped me boost my career to levels I never thought possible, don't hesitate to ask them and take action, they will be there with you all the way and even after you finish, they'll keep sending you information about potential jobs, ITTT will open you the doors to a whole new world!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Be Certified as an English Language Teacher

I was already an English Language Teacher but not skillful before taking the TEFL course. The course refined my teaching techniques like a refined product. It equipped me with the essential teaching tools making me a proficient and skillful English teacher. My students look forward to my class because they always have something new to learn in a dynamic way.
I applied the recommended classroom management in my kid’s class. The result was excellent. The kids became more participating and cooperative. Some of the kids’ parents asked me for extra class for their kids I guess because they can’t get enough of me.. This has made my teaching career refreshing, rewarding and easy.

One of my favorites is the way tenses and grammars are taught in the course. It shows the practical approach to teach them and the real life situation to use them making the knowledge sink into the students consciousness. For example in unit four, I learned the usage of simple present tense and expected errors from students. The activate teaching stage is exceptionally useful and wonderful, it helps the teacher to guide the students to practice the present tense using tips such as : find someone who..., a day in the life of.., questionnaires, guess my professions, information-gap. With activities like these students talking time is maximized. My students no longer view grammars as complex, vague, confuse language rules. I feel contented, satisfied and accomplished when my students tell me “you are the best teacher” and I am indebted to TEFL with infinite gratitude for this.

The points covered in the course will make teaching easy and enjoyable even to a novice teacher if applied. It particularly shows how you can plan and deliver your lessons in the classroom. It shows you the step by step way to deliver a topic using activities and tasks that will make the lesson dynamic and and boredom free. With these tasks (cutting of papers, roleplays, gap filling, short questions, conducting surveys, find who etc) there is an active students participation in the language learning making it to be fun instead of the conventional boring lecture type. For example in unit 16. I learned the types of conditionals and that we could cut the various conditional sentences and mixed them together for students to practice their use of conditionals.

I like the part of the course that talks about various classroom situations and how to manage them (Unit 20, Troubleshooting). It discusses warmers which actually work wonders in the classroom. Reluctant students is another one and other real life classroom situations and how to handle them successfully. Kids class are the most difficult class to manage, but with this course it becomes a piece of cake.

After taking the TEFL course, the language institute where I had been working for two years previously in Mexico quickly notice the positive changes in my performance, couple with students positive feedback, I was immediately awarded the best teacher of the month among more than 30 teachers.
Due to the overwhelming impact of the course in my life , I have referred more than five people who successfully paid for the program. I will remain an active promoter and a staunch advocate of TEFL courses.

The TEFL program offers not only a certificate that is known and respected worldwide, but also a professional teaching refinement to make one a capable teacher even those from non education background like me. That is why schools worldwide use it as a recruitment benchmark. Besides the TESOL certificate is a visa to tour the world with dignity because you have something important the world need.

What would you improve about this program?
I would recommend more classroom tasks or activities and role plays be added. more probable class troubleshooting be added
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Yes, I recommend this program

At my pace :)

I completed both the TEFL and Teaching Business English Course. I really enjoyed taking the online course. It worked perfectly with my schedule and my instructor was good at giving constructive and helpful feedback. I was able to take my time completing the different tasks required, which further enhanced my learning process. After my course, I taught English abroad. I was also able to apply the lessons I learned with my courses while I worked abroad.

What would you improve about this program?
Including videos to give students practical examples of the tools being taught.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I enjoyed the 60-hour course so much - that towards the end, though I was nervous (for the final evaluation), I found myself wishing I had signed on for the 120-hour course! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who would like to improve their ESL teaching skills and methods. I especially appreciate the ESA method, and being challenged to elicit learning from the students themselves (as opposed to teaching it to them). The videos of real-life lessons were insightful and fun! I downloaded all the Units so that I can refer to them anytime. The proforma lesson plan is superb and forces you to plan your lesson well.

What would you improve about this program?
A few more 'real-life' videos would be great!
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Yes, I recommend this program

60-hour TESOL

A great and exciting course with an insight into the way teaching methods are formed, lots of examples, including a real-life class and extraordinarily rich vocabulary. A transparent test system. Hope to make life-changing improvements with this new adventurous professional experience! The tips covered by this course are useful in my experience as an ESL teacher in China, which is important to me now that I've been hired abroad.

What would you improve about this program?
More career development post graduation: information about high potential markets for ESL teachers, on things to know about these countries and tips on employment. More video examples from real-life classes.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Online TEFL Course: ITTT

The course overall was pretty good. Having earned my Diploma and Bachelors Degree in Education, I pretty much knew most of the information beforehand. however, the video lessons that showed classroom techniques in the ESL classroom were very significant to show best practices in a classroom with students who may not readily understand what is being said. I also appreciated the classroom management section of the course. I have used many of the strategies that were taught and I have found them to be quite effective in helping to keep students focused and active in the ESL classroom.
The only thing I really didn't like about the course was the excessive reading as I believe a lot of the information could have been more condensed, thus easier to go through as I was doing the course while working full time.

What would you improve about this program?
By condensing the information to more easier to read chunks. I just thought there was a lot of reading that needed to be. Also, the questions in the test section could explore more of what was read. It felt like I read a whole book but then was only questioned about one chapter.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ITTT helped me start teaching English to Chinese students online

After completing my 120-hour online course with ITTT, I was genuinely ready to teach English to non-English speakers, and have been doing so successfully for a year now. I also have given ESL tutorial classes in-person to students here in New York. It's a "perfect fit" for me. ITTT credentials were my "passport." And the lesson plans I developed in the ITTT TEFL course, together with the "prefab" lessons they provide, have been essential teaching tools for me.
I can genuinely say that ITTT opened the door to a new life for me -- one that is full of adventure, new friends, and new opportunities to learn. I get consistent 5-star ratings from my students, and have developed wonderful friendships. I have also received numerous job offers to teach in China, and look forward to taking this opportunity soon -- once I have learned to speak enough Chinese to get along, and avoid starvation! It's very exciting, and the opportunities are truly endless.

What would you improve about this program?
It's really good, but could perhaps be improved by adding face-to-face classes via Skype.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Good crash course in ESL teaching

This program provided basic education in what is expected from an English teacher abroad, but I would not consider this a true 120 hour course. I completed this course as a requirement to obtain a working visa in China, however I had previous teaching experience (just not a degree). If you already have experience and need a cost-effective addition to your resume, this is perfect. The information is useful, and being able to download and review course materials after completion is helpful, but the course is very easy to skim and still pass with flying colours. I was able to complete the 120 hour course in just over a week's worth of 2 hour long sessions. This makes for a great refresher for someone who's been away from teaching for a while, but if you're passionate about ESL teaching and want to learn a lot, opt for a true 120-hr in person course rather than the online version.

What would you improve about this program?
More in depth material and practical strategies for managing behavior issues and multilevel classrooms.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great, Affordable Course

I am currently in the middle of taking this course so I cannot attest to job guidance yet, however the course itself provides great information for managing classrooms and ideas for lessons. Some of the material seems a little dated, however this does not inhibit your takeaway from the course. It is written in British English. As an American English speaker, the difference threw me off a little at first. Overall this is great course for the price!

What would you improve about this program?
The material could be updated. It would also be a great asset if the videos were interactive.