Atlantis (Pre-Health Summer)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Rome, Italy

I really enjoyed this program because of all the opportunities provided. We were able to shadow several departments throughout a two-week period: orthopedics, otolaryngology, and dermatological/regenerative plastic surgery and it was a great way to gain clinical experience and shadow several doctors while being able to travel abroad. We were able to learn so much about the medical field from the hospital and making life-long friends along the way. I think every pre-med or healthcare student should take part in this once in a lifetime experience.

  • Shadowing a variety of specialties and doctors
  • Amazing cultural experience
  • Making life-long friends
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best experiences of my undergrad career - Viana do Castelo and Lisbon, Portugal

Shadowing was often 20+ hours per week across a broad range of specialties. My program managers responded very well to feedback and tried their best to get opportunities for us to shadow our top specialties. I was able to shadow specialties including general surgery, ICU, urology, psychiatry, neurosurgery, dermatology, the burn clinic, and pediatric anesthesiology. The physicians explained all of the procedures to us in English and were very welcoming. I discovered my passion for pediatrics through shadowing the pediatric anesthesiologist, and this experience really helped me confirm my desire to pursue a career in medicine.

The program directors were very involved and helpful. Carlos helped us practice our Portuguese whenever we’d order food or coffee and walked us to the hospital each day. He also messaged us throughout the day to make sure our shadowing experiences were going smoothly and always planned fun weekly excursions for us. Mari made me feel so safe and welcomed in Lisbon, giving us recommendations for restaurants to try or cool sites to visit. I even got to go to a few concerts for artists like A$AP Rocky because tickets were so cheap!

Housing was suite-style; I had a roommate who I knew before starting the program for the first half and had a room to myself for the second half. We shared a kitchen, living room, and bathroom and often cooked meals together :)

  • Intensive shadowing across a vast range of specialties
  • Helpful and involved program directors on-site
  • Lasting friendships!
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Atlantis Mantua, Italy EXPERIENCE

I went on an Atlantis Program in July of 2022 to Mantua, Italy for 3 weeks. From the Interview to getting prepped for my trip, to arrival at my apartment, shadowing and the excursions, it was a smooth process. I had the opportunity to shadow in the ER / ICU, Surgery, Immunohematology, Pediatrics, and got a private tour of their EMS system.

I was shadowing on average 5 hours per day, yet in surgery / ICU I got more because there were additional cases / I really wanted the hours. Yes you do have to wake up early, and be punctual for shadowing. I also explored near by cities such as Florence, Venice, Rome, Lake Garda which I made life long friends and experiences.

This program also gave me the realization that I wanted to dive into the business side of which I utilized the hours / experience on my MBA Application. Yes, it is also an investment in ourselves and careers just like any part of the MD / DO / PA / Nursing process. I highly recommend this program if you're looking for an adventure, hours, and friends for a lifetime!

  • Networking
  • Expanding your comfort zone
  • Seeing LOTS of great cases from specialties
  • If you don't like walking a lot
  • Your body adjusting to the food the first 1-2 days
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Yes, I recommend this program

I loved my Atlantis experience!

I attended an Atlantis program in Valladolid, Spain in July of 2019! I absolutely loved the program because I got to travel, meet new people, watch surgeries and consultations, explore multiple cities of Spain and experience the culture, get shadowing hours (which is required by a lot of the grad schools I’m applying to), and so much more! Now, 4 years later I am still benefiting from the program because I get to talk about it in my PA school applications and interviews! I would recommend this program to any pre health student because it’s a great way to get a feel for medicine and different specialties, study abroad, and make great connections!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Shadowing Abroad with Atlantis (Vigo,Spain)

In Summer 2022 I shadowed abroad in Vigo, Spain with Atlantis through the University of Florida and it was incredible ! After my first year of college , I decided that the business field did not capture everything I wanted so in 2020 I made the switch to the pre-med track. With Covid blooming I had a hard time finding shadowing opportunities due to safety and health concerns in hospitals. I resorted to virtual shadowing and learned all I could but I still wanted to have a in-person experience with physicians. My academic advisor brought to me the Atlantis shadow abroad in Spain and I jumped on the opportunity. In this experience I left the country for my first time and submerged myself in the Spanish culture. I always wanted to study abroad but it never worked with my schedule given all my pre-reqs. Atlantis allowed me to scratch that itch and be one-on-one to two-on-one with physicians in Spain. I went for four weeks and shadowed a different specialty every week ( ER, Neurology, ICU, Vascular Surgery) culminating a total of 96 hours. I got to see even more than those 4 specialties because the doctors would invite me to see more operations and consults. My experience opened my eyes to the various healthcare systems and has allowed me to better understand the different ways of approaching health.
I LOVED my location and where I got to live. For my first time out of the country I felt safe and secure Las I explored the city. I got to connect with prehealth students and also network with the physicians I met by getting their emails and keeping up contact. As I apply for medical schools now in the US this experience is consistently one I bring up in explaining my journey and love for medicine. I have grown tremendously in understanding of the duties and responsibility of a doctor because of this experience !

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Yes, I recommend this program

Atlantis experience combines medicine, culture, and lasting bonds into an unforgettable journey.

My Atlantis experience in Genoa was a transformative chapter that seamlessly intertwined academic exploration, cultural immersion, and personal growth. Through shadowing medical professionals, I gained invaluable insights into the intricacies of healthcare, fostering a deeper understanding of my future role as a speech language pathologist. Beyond the hospital, the city itself became my classroom, teaching me the art of cultural adaptability and offering a profound appreciation for diversity.

The guidance of our dedicated city manager, coupled with Atlantis' comprehensive support, ensured that every facet of the program was seamlessly orchestrated, allowing me to focus on extracting the utmost value from each moment. From indulging in delectable local cuisine to forming lasting bonds with peers from around the globe, every interaction contributed to a profound sense of cultural humility and camaraderie.

In retrospect, this experience has not only reinforced my passion for the medical field but also imparted life lessons that extend beyond textbooks. As I embark on the next phase of my journey, I carry with me a global perspective, an open heart, and the confidence to navigate the intricate tapestry of healthcare and human connection.

  • Immersive Learning: The Atlantis program in Genoa provided a remarkable opportunity for hands-on medical exposure, allowing me to witness the intricacies of healthcare in a real-world setting.
  • Cultural Enrichment: Beyond the hospital, the program enabled me to embrace the vibrant culture of Genoa, fostering a deeper appreciation for global diversity and expanding my worldview.
  • Supportive Network: The guidance of the city manager and Atlantis' comprehensive support structure ensured a seamless experience, offering a strong safety net and valuable insights throughout the journey.
  • While reflecting on my Atlantis experience, I find it challenging to pinpoint areas for improvement, as the program was well-organized and enriching in various aspects.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I really liked the program- it was fun and educational. It definitely helped me reach my pre-health career goals. I feel like the doctors I shadowed were able to communicate with me well in English. I was also able to practice my Spanish skills while living in Spain. I enjoyed the beauty of Majorca and loved meeting students with similar goals. I also loved my city manager who made me feel at home and taught me many things about Spain. I would recommend this program to any student that would like to be abroad while reaching their goals.

  • Experience
  • Shadowing
  • Fun
  • None
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Yes, I recommend this program

Atlantis in Ferrara, Italy

This experience was one I will never forget. You learn so much in all aspects of the program. You get an accurate view in the medical field, and you become immersed in the culture surrounding you. I made so many new friends while I was there and we went on plenty of adventures. I would easily do this again. If you're even thinking about doing this, then go ahead. You won't find this experience anywhere else. This definitely gave me a better understanding of what I want to do in the medical field.

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Yes, I recommend this program

3 Weeks in Valladolid, España

This is a must do for every premed and future healthcare worker! Shadowing outside the US provides students with a unique experience to learn about a healthcare system different from the US and how it affects its patients. There are different cases and diseases you may experience and learn about that you otherwise would not have. The doctors are so helpful and want to teach the students and make it as memorable an experience as possible. When I was not shadowing, I was immersed in the culture with my amazing Atlantis group. The excursions were a lot of fun and a great way to see other parts of Spain that I never would have visited! My city manager was excellent as well, and made sure all of us were getting the most out of our shadowing and time in Valladolid. I cannot say enough positive things about this experience and encourage everyone to go and try it for themselves. 100% would do it again!

  • Shadowing doctors and lots of specialties
  • Being immersed in the Spanish culture
  • My amazing group of friends and city manager
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Summer Ever

I thoroughly enjoyed my month spent in Spain. I had a wonderful shadowing experience in many different areas, created great connections with doctors, made new friends, and immersed myself in a new culture. I would recommend taking some Spanish before going just to have an idea of what’s going on. I never felt overwhelmed with shadowing it was just five hours a day Monday-Thursday. Each Friday we did a fun group excursion, and my study abroad group grew close so each weekend we would travel to other cities/countries together. I cannot recommend this program enough!

  • Environment
  • Experience
  • Exploration
  • Mostly in Spanish
  • Some difficulty in accessing bigger cities