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Beyond Academy

Why choose Beyond Academy?

Going Beyond means becoming a better you, with every step you take. That’s the idea and mission that drives everything we do. Our passion? To empower people through the global community and life-changing experiences that we create. Whether you’re an aspiring marketer or financier, a engineer or designer – you can always go Beyond to learn better, travel further, and dream bigger. The journey to a career you love is unique to everyone. Our International Internship Programs are available in 14 global cities and 18 industries, our Programs offer the unique opportunity to combine work and travel into an extraordinary adventure. OUR LOCATIONS: London - Dublin - Berlin - Barcelona - Paris - Stockholm - Amsterdam - Tokyo - Seoul - Bangkok - Sydney - New York - Toronto - San Francisco


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Yes, I recommend this program


I did a 6 month internship through beyond and I felt like I got a lot out of it. I feel like it is more beneficial if you go for a longer period of time because you get to experience more while you are in Seoul. I really enjoyed all the activities that were planned. Also, my internship was enjoyable and I learned a lot from it over the 6 months. It is was a bit hard to adjust at first, but after a couple of weeks or so I found myself becoming more comfortable especially with the rush hour subway journeys to and from work.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The army stew was quite interesting to eat. It is quite literally just broth with random things thrown in. The one we had included mini sausages, beans, cabbage, pak choi, spam and ramen noddles. It was so random but it tasted great.
  • Get to learn about Korean work culture
  • Experience new foods
  • Be able to see the sights during the events
  • Sometimes things were a bit rushed
  • Some available accommodation is a bit uncomfortable
  • N/a
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Yes, I recommend this program

Expensive, but absolutely worth it!

When I first stumbled upon Beyond Academy and the possibility to do an internship abroad, I definetely thought it was a scam - but I was proven wrong! Although the program fees are not peanuts and I would prefer to have more transparency on what the fees are used on, I am so happy with how the program went! Twice a week all of the lovely coordinators did their best to plan social events to explore Seoul, although some of the planned activities where a little too stressful with too places you needed to visit (for example the Hanbok event) or places closing soon (DDP Design Plaza). But most of the time the days are planned well and it was a great way to catch up with the other interns in the programm, so you feel integrated and not alone in a new environment.
As for my internship company - I really learned a lot in my field of video editing and social media! Obviously there were ups and downs within the time being in the intern company, but for me it was a great opportunity to improve my resume and portfolio! For reference I did 3 months and for me it was the perfect length to have enough time to learn and integrate more into the company.
So I would definetely recommend doing this experience if you have some savings, want to improve your resume and explore a new city!

  • Improving my resume and portfolio
  • Regular activities to explore the city and meet other interns
  • You are not alone in an unfamiliar city
  • Expensive Programm Fees
  • Some companies are lying with their promises to the interns
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Yes, I recommend this program

Beyond experience

I had an excellent time and thoroughly enjoyed the Beyond Academy activities. My favourite was definitely going to Cambridge, kind of wish there were more out of London trips too. Also really enjoyed the pub quiz activity and game night. The community coordinators were extremely fun and very nice and supportive. However I do wish there were more career building/advice activities or lessons. For example maybe meeting with industry professionals or one on one coaching with an industry professional.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go for as many Beyond activities as you can!
  • Good community
  • Good activities
  • Amazing community coordinators
  • Went by quick
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Yes, I recommend this program

Tokyo Internship

I did a six month internship in Tokyo and it was one of the best experiences of my life. It was incredible to be able to work and explore in Tokyo. I was able to build up experience for my resume while immersing myself in a different culture, meeting different people, and seeing so many amazing sights. There are varying options for industries to intern in and places to spend the internship. I was also able to improve my language skills however it was not necessary for the workspace. There were also community activities to participate in almost every week and it’s easy to meet other interns. I highly recommend this to students who want to build their resume while traveling a new place.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Try to do as much as possible. Don’t be afraid to try new things or travel.
  • Unique work experience
  • Networking oppurtunities
  • Travel opportunities
  • Language barriers in daily life
  • Accommodations are random and can be poor quality
  • Communication with coordinators could be better
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Yes, I recommend this program

Barcelona Internship Experience ❤️

I had a memorable, valuable, and worthwhile experience with Beyond Academy 🚀

My internship consisted of me learning new skills in 3D modeling software with a startup company. My colleagues were very friendly and supportive!

I feel very grateful and blessed to have made lifelong friends at my accommodation (a co-working and co-living space) and created memories that I will always cherish!

Being the only intern on the programme, on a personal level I enjoyed it very much given the fact I tend to struggle in groups! So it was a lovely experience to have 1 to 1 cultural and social activities with my community co-ordinator, Letícia. I also attended a few language exchange meetings and salsa classes in my spare time in order to meet others who could help me with my Spanish and to immerse myself fully into the culture!

Letícia is a wonderful human being who I've enjoyed getting to know over these last few months! She is a very organised, considerate and empathic, individual and if I ever needed any advice with my internship experience or emotional support, I felt very comfortable with her.

All in all! A truly rewarding, exciting and valuable experience 🚀 I am glad I chose Barcelona! ❤️


Displaying 1 - 9 of 15

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Izzie Kott

Job Title
Community Coordinator
Izzie is a member of Beyond Academy’s London Community Team. As a Community Coordinator she helps plan and host a range events for interns all over the city, as well as providing general support and advice during interns’ stay in the London.
Izzie Kott


What is your favorite travel memory?

I’ve been fortunate enough to travel a lot, so I have many beautiful memories - it’s hard to choose just one! A recent memory was seeing Lucha Libre wrestling in Mexico City! It was so amazing and the buzzing atmosphere sucks you into the theatrics of it all right away. Even though I couldn’t understand a word, I lost my voice joining in with the chants and cheers!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

The nature of my role with Beyond Academy means I’m constantly meeting new people from all over the world, from an incredibly diverse range of backgrounds. That interaction constantly introduces me to new perspectives and ideas and challenges, all of which help me grow, professionally and personally.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

Not a single best story but I always love hearing about the adventures our interns go on together outside of the program. Sometimes that’s a weekend away in another city, a story about why a big night out before means some interns haven’t made it to an early morning event the next day! It’s really great to be a part of bringing people together and see friendships form.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I’ve always wanted to visit New York and so I’d definitely choose our program there! It would be great to have the tips and tricks from the New York community team. It’s always enhancing your traveling experience when you’ve got some local knowledge to guide you. I think that’s especially true of big cities like NYC.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Like our interns, our team - company wide - is from such a diverse range of backgrounds and cultures. Everyone has a walked a really different path that led them to be with Beyond Academy. I feel proud that we as a team embrace those differences and have a culture of openness where everyone can contribute and bring their unique perspective and ideas to the work we do.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Developing a well-functioning team is essential to being a successful company. It is important to choose the right people to join the team and learn to maintain a good working relationships and make everyone feel involved and needed. You cannot guarantee agreements all the time, we’re all human, but it’s important to maintain an atmosphere where honesty is respected, open communication is encouraged, and mistakes are learnt from. This makes it easier to repair relationships and strengthen the team overall.