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FIE: Foundation for International Education

Why choose FIE: Foundation for International Education?

Unrivaled study and internship abroad programs in the world's most vibrant global cities.

We’re creating active educational experiences that expand minds, foster cultural intelligence, and open up exciting opportunities.

We are a values-driven community, invested in making a difference. We advance sustainable thinking, enabling students to positively impact their community, society, and the wider world.

As a not-for-profit organization, our revenue is reinvested into creating new and innovative ways for students to flourish.



FIE is a values-driven community that is invested in making a difference. They believe everybody should be able access the life changing benefits of studying abroad. Their scholarships give recipients the opportunity to build their own views, participate in the host culture on an authentic basis and go on an adventure while being supported.

$1,000 - $3,000

Diversity & Inclusion

The Foundation for International Education (FIE) is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. In the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, employment policies, internship policies, scholarship programs and other internally administered programs and activities, FIE does not discriminate against individuals on any basis. In its commitment to ensuring an environment that is welcoming and respectful to all, FIE proactively undertakes initiatives and actions to create an environment that welcomes diverse populations.
FIE is a community of staff, faculty, and students that prides itself on its diversity and inclusivity. We cultivate a welcoming, supportive, fair, and inclusive living, learning, and working environments, where the rights and dignities of all the community members are embraced and respected. FIE seeks to support students with their adjustment process as much as possible. As you are preparing to apply for your FIE study abroad program, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, and support needs around aspects related to your identity, such as diversity, background, LGBTQ+, religion and faith, first-generation, disabilities, veteran or any other aspects related to your own self.
FIE works closely with its university partners, placement sites and affiliated organizations to provide an accessible experience for all students.FIE's Administration & Accessibility Team can assist you with any accessibility needs or queries – from pre-application and throughout your study abroad experience.


FIE is committed to fostering a sustainable future for all of us. We care! We actively encourage practices that encourage ethical consumption, fair trade, and a viable 21st century.
From our formal missions, FIE has devised specific and Articulated Values values which underpin and motivate all aspects of our organization.


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Yes, I recommend this program

My time at FIE in London

The Foundation for International Education (FIE) set me up for educational, professional, and social success before and after arrival in the UK. A week prior to the start of classes, I was welcomed by the kindest staff who had several activities, mixers, and informational sessions scheduled for incoming students. During this time, I acclimated to city living, made new friends, and prepared for coursework to come. Since then, I have enjoyed the wonderful curriculum and plethora of field trips offered by FIE and its office of industry experts who I am lucky enough to call my professors.

Being a FIE in London participant has pushed me to reach higher limits both personally and
professionally. The program provides an excellent balance of education by way of coursework and real-world experience. My classes offer valuable lessons in the form of lectures, study visits, and group discussions, while my internship enables me to put what I’ve learned into action and expand upon it. Living and interning in a new environment has improved my soft skills of adaptability and communication, as well as technical skills related to my area of study. Full entrenchment in English society has made me a better problem-solver as I regularly uncover new ways of accomplishing everyday tasks.

While studying abroad in London, I am grateful to have traveled to other parts of Europe as well. Weekend trips with my peers, many of whom I met through FIE, have further opened my eyes to varieties in culture, lifestyle, and work habits. Such exposures have altered my perspective of what being a professional can and should encompass. I am both eager and ready to take my reformed mindset back with me to the University of Florida in the fall but will always cherish my wonderful memories away from home.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
There were a few unidentifiable food samples I ate in the markets. Delicious, though!
  • Easy to make friends
  • Lots of travel opportunities
  • Living like a local
  • Tighter schedule in the second half of the program
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Yes, I recommend this program

Friendships and Connecting

Constantly be open to meeting new people. I came knowing my roommates because they were my close friends from school, however, truly the memories i think back on already are the ones with the people i met here. The people I came here with, I can see us doing trips and travelling together, but there is something very beautiful about making a friend, becoming close to that friend, and embarking on a new experience together. I went on a day trip with a new friend and it was so fun because we were both trying something new but had so much time to talk and get to know each other.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I think I, along with many others got carried away with how close in proximity we were to other countries, that when I had free time I would tend to leave London and the UK, but I feel like I missed doing things around London and the UK. I think if I knew more about the FIE planned outings and day trips ai may have elected to go on them. However, I didnt see as much marketing for them until after ai had booked some of my international weekend travel.
  • travelling
  • new friendships
  • work-life balance
Response from FIE: Foundation for International Education

Dear Olivia

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback. We are always looking to provide the best study abroad experience possible so we are extremely happy that you had an enriching and enlightening time with your friends while studying abroad with us.

Best regards, FIE London Team

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Yes, I recommend this program

Be yourself

When I arrived in London I was not too sad and got comfortable very quick. As time went on my sadness grew but I want you to remember that things and people you are missing you will be with again eventually. Therefore, doing all the things you want to do, making friendships you are scared to make, doing new things is so much more worth it then being upset about missing home. One thing I would change about this journey was to see more things, travel more, do things that make me happy more often and be more of myself and be outgoing to make new friendships. I learned to never forget who you are, be yourself, let your mind be open to the new things you can learn and people you can meet.

What would you improve about this program?
This program was wonderful and most of the staff was very supporting and helpful. I am thankful for all of my teachers as they all let us be ourselves freely. One thing I would change about this program is staff being more understanding toward children that just went across the country. The administrator Mieke gave me a very negative impact on my life and said very negative things while I simply was not myself. That is a big thing I would change is to be more understanding.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Will Tell My Grandchildren About My Semester Abroad in London

Studying abroad in London through the FIE was honestly a dream come true. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to live and study in London and that was made possible through the FIE London: Semester Abroad Internship Program. The coursework was definitely challenging as grading is a bit different in the UK compared to what I was accustomed to in the states. However, because of the structure of the classes and the fact we are studying abroad, London isn’t only the city we’re living in, it’s also our classroom. And I don’t know about you but learning history is way more interesting when you get to see it with your own eyes. The co-curricular activities and being able to immerse in the history of London was probably my favourite aspect of the program. But then again, also being able to hold an international internship was pretty amazing as well. How many students from your university can say they worked abroad? Additionally, I have to call attention to the housing. I knew very little about London in terms of the lay of the land prior to my arrival, so I was stunned when I arrived at our South Kensington accommodations. Literally down the road from Kensington Gardens! Again, I repeat, the program was a dream. Living in such a central part of London where we could easily go anywhere, the tube was around the corner and there were museums everywhere. There’s just so much to see in London and while you really got to master time management with all the course work so that the last 7 weeks can be focused on the internship, I can promise you that adventure is calling in London town. I went to more concerts, plays, musicals and museums during my time in London than I have combined in my life prior to. The diversity of London is beautiful and I stand by my statement that I will call it home again someday.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I wish I would have explored more areas of Great Britain on the weekend. It's super cheap to hop on a bus and Great Britain is fairly easy to navigate. I managed a few trips to places like Oxford, Cambridge, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Glasgow, but I wish I could have seen more. I mean there is always more to see and more to do. And also went to more musicals and plays! Day tickets can be as low as 5 quid if you get up super early before classes!
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Yes, I recommend this program

FIE and Beagle Button Ldt

I loved my program from start to finish. Yes course work was challenging at some points but in the end it was so worth it and it really brings out the best in those who go with this program. There is so much to learn and do and see and try and I strongly believe that this program helped me with that. I was with Beagle Button Ltd and they are the nicest company of people I could have been placed with. So helpful when I struggled and always gave me work that was challenging but not so hard that no one could do it. I hope someone else has the chance to do what I did and have a great time learning about the workplace culture and learning more about business.

What was your funniest moment?
I was in a meeting with the CEOs of the company and a cat jumped up and made a mess of things but it was really cute and funny.


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

CSB was really great with setting us up with FIE. They coordinated all of our housing and accommodation once we got there. Leading up to the semester, CSB gave us a handful of informational meetings, letting us know what to expect as far as people and the school goes. We were given a list of classes that we were eligible to take and we only had to choose the ones we wanted.

FIE was in charge of our internship placements which was very helpful. It would have probably been near impossible to find one on our own. We were responsible for booking our own flights and other travel. There were two weekends when we traveled in Ireland with our FIE directors, but otherwise we were in charge of our own plans. Food, laundry, and other cleaning supplies were not supplied; however, most of us were provided with leap cards (bus/train pass) to get us to and from our internships.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

A little bit cliché, but don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and explore everything! It’s so amazing the kinds of places that you’ll find yourself in and everything will make for a good story. When you fully immerse yourself somewhere else, you set yourself up to learn so many new things. New things about whatever country you’re in, new things about the world, and most importantly, you’ll learn things about yourself that you never would know without putting yourself half way across the world in somewhere unfamiliar.

Additionally, to really be immersed in a culture and truly understand the society around you, learn as much as you can about their history - especially the major events or the things that students would learn in their early education. This will help you understand the people, the perspective, and the culture in general. I guarantee your global awareness will be exponentially greater, and you will appreciate your abroad experience so much more.

And also always be willing. If you’re only doing a semester abroad experience like me, it will go by so fast and you may not ever have this opportunity again. There were a handful of times when there were activities that weren’t of my particular interest, but they ended up being some of my favorite nights because we made the most of our time.

Life is too short, and study abroad is too short so embrace every moment with positivity and enthusiasm, you won’t regret it.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

An average day typically was sleeping in a little bit because internships didn’t start until 9 and class usually didn’t start until after lunch. Most days I would go grab a coffee from a local cafe (never Starbucks or any chain), then after work/class was done, I’d meet up with my friends and we’d make dinner together then either head to a pub for a pint, or join our neighbors for cards or a movie.

A typical week was classes Monday, Wednesday, Friday - one class per day. Then internship Tuesday and Thursday from 9-5. We typically didn’t have much homework, so on class days we would do lots of exploring around the city, usually around Phoenix Park or Grafton Street. Usually a couple evenings out of the week our group would get together or pints or games or both. When the weekend rolled around, we would be traveling. 80% we would be going outside of Ireland to a different country in Europe for the weekend.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was not getting along with the people I was traveling with. From CSB there was only 7 students, with FIE altogether there was about 60 of us. I was really nervous that we wouldn’t be doing things together and everyone would do their own and I wouldn’t come home with close relationships. To overcome this fear, I had to make myself a little bit vulnerable and be the person to encourage my classmates to do things together like walking to class, going for a pint or even watching First Dates Ireland on Tuesdays with everyone. By the end of the semester, we were all so close like we had been friends for forever. Looking back, I’d say that this was something a little bit naive to be nervous about.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Grahaeme Hesp

Job Title
Regional Director, Institutional Relations

What is your favorite travel memory?

Seeing the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco for the first time.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

"The FIE Peace and Conflict program was a great cultural experience and an incredibly eye-opening opportunity.

From the discussions with guest speakers to the insights provided by our teachers, Jordanian host families, and everyday conversations with new people, the program provided me with a new viewpoint that has fundamentally changed the way I look at International Affairs.

You can attend lectures and study textbooks, but you can’t understand conflict and the ways in which it affects countries and their peoples until you listen to their thoughts, fears, and concerns."

Ryland Arnold, Summer 2016 Student, University of Arkansas

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Our summertime "Conflict and the Struggle for Peace: Explorations in Ireland and the Middle East" program is absolutely life-changing, allowing participants to critically analyze and explore some of the most daunting issues of our time.

The program begins in Dublin with an introduction to peace and conflict theory, using the Irish peace process as a case study. In Amman, the focus turns to Middle Eastern issues as participants examine how various countries in the region are addressing the Arab/Israeli conflict, inter-regional conflicts such as those in Lebanon, Yemen, or Iraq, as well as inter-tribal conflicts.

Following the conclusion of the Conflict and the Struggle for Peace program, participants can stay in Amman for an additional four weeks and study intensive Arabic from beginner through to advanced!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

FIE is committed to the development of creative learning environments wherein an understanding of, and appreciation for, the privileges and responsibilities of international citizenship is fostered. This commitment is driven by the belief that interaction between people of diverse cultures is the base upon which empathy among nations is built.

From our formal mission, FIE has devised specific values which underpin and motivate all aspects our organization: Knowledge and Inclusivity; Ethics and Human Rights; Social and Cultural Reflection and Action; and Commitment to the Environment.

Whether it's our energy-saving residence hall "Student Switch Off" competition each semester, FIGs (FIE Interest Groups), or carbon offsetting of all staff airline travel, we 'walk our talk.'

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

We listen to our partner campuses; we try to do whatever we can to ensure student learning; we challenge students in their classes, in their internship placements, and in co- and extra-curricular activities to experience differences in terms of culture, religion, food, language, etc.

Professional Associations

The Forum on Education Abroad Logo
Institute of International Education Logo