FIE: Foundation for International Education
Why choose FIE: Foundation for International Education?
Unrivaled study and internship abroad programs in the world's most vibrant global cities.
We’re creating active educational experiences that expand minds, foster cultural intelligence, and open up exciting opportunities.
We are a values-driven community, invested in making a difference. We advance sustainable thinking, enabling students to positively impact their community, society, and the wider world.
As a not-for-profit organization, our revenue is reinvested into creating new and innovative ways for students to flourish.
FIE is a values-driven community that is invested in making a difference. They believe everybody should be able access the life changing benefits of studying abroad. Their scholarships give recipients the opportunity to build their own views, participate in the host culture on an authentic basis and go on an adventure while being supported.
Diversity & Inclusion
Alumni Interviews
These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.
Staff Interviews
These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.
Professional Associations

Response from FIE: Foundation for International Education
Dear Olivia
Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback. We are always looking to provide the best study abroad experience possible so we are extremely happy that you had an enriching and enlightening time with your friends while studying abroad with us.
Best regards, FIE London Team