
Volunteering With India

Why choose Volunteering With India?

Volunteering With India gives you opportunity to work in India for various development volunteering program including work with children, Orphanage work, Work with elephants,Women empowerment & Theater Volunteer program.


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Yes, I recommend this program

memorable trip in India with VWI

We just had a memorable trip in India with VWI. Sukret is very responsive before and during the trip, which is extremely helpful. We didn't pick the best season to visit India, so it's pretty hot. But we didn't get any time spent in Inda wasted. The guides, drivers and the mahout for our giant girl 'Champa' are all very good. We spent decent time with the elephant and also did some sightseeing. India is definitely worth multiple visits. Will make another trip during Nov. to Mar when the weather is better.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Choose a cooler season!
  • responsiveness
  • well organization
  • one of the hotels is less than ideal with noise issue, feedback has been send to VWI.
Response from Volunteering With India

Thank you Yingli for the review.

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Yes, I recommend this program

It would be easier with a translator or being English teacher

I had the opportunity to spend 4 weeks with the association, working in two different settings. First, I worked in a school located in a clearly disadvantaged neighborhood, where I provided academic support to teenagers. Then, I joined a beauty school where women were training for careers in esthetics.

My biggest surprise was discovering that the community members didn't speak, or spoke very little, English. This posed a challenge to my initial goal of empowering women through English language learning. Unfortunately, I was only able to truly pursue this mission in the last five days, once a translator became available.

Personally, this experience was enriching. However, I remain unsure about the actual impact of my involvement. At times, I felt left to my own devices, without a structured program or insight into previous activities. Although I'm not an English teacher but rather a business and marketing trainer, I was still able to share my expertise with some women, though it was less relevant for the teenagers.

On the other hand, I want to highlight the quality of the association's hospitality, as well as the weekend excursion offerings and the comfort of the guest house. These aspects undoubtedly contributed to making my stay enjoyable.

Response from Volunteering With India

Thank you Ludivine for the review.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Women empowerment Jaipur

I was supposed to spend 2 weeks, in the end I spent 3 weeks
I had a wonderful time with the children and teenagers so keen to learn
My time with the women was so wonderful: we laughed a lot, we exchanged so many stories. Through them all I learned a lot
I chose Jaipur because of the program
I was there a few years ago as an ordinary tourist. This time I wanted to take part in the everyday life. Being in the guesthouse taught me a lot about the culture ( I knew a bit already through books and films). I was often alone in the streets day and evening. I felt so safe even with the monkeys, the cows and the dogs. I danced in the temples, in the streets during all the ceremonies

What was your funniest moment?
Holi with the children from the orphanage
Makeup time at the center with the women
Radjastani dance with the children
  • Being with the children and the women
  • Celebrating Holi Gangaur ….
  • My Tucktuck driver
  • Not having the liberty to choose the guesthouse
Response from Volunteering With India

Thank you Christiane for the review.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Medical volunteer

I had the best time during this volunteer program, i learnt a lot regarding to medicine and Indian coulture. I had a chance to assist the staff by operating medical devices, measuring blood pressure and make injections. Everybody was very friendly and I felt comfortable working in a small team in the clinic.
I would recommend it to anyone interested in working in healthcare and gaining some medical experience. I think 2 weeks is a minimum.
The program is mainly observational, and without knowing Hindi I missed a lot on what the patients and doctor said, so make sure you learn some basics beforehand, to not feel left out. Not everything was included(tickets for sightseeing, transport for the evening shift).

Response from Volunteering With India

Thank you Kamila for the review.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteer for Indian students

First of all, the best thing for me was that there were no anxious moments. And I was able to teach very motivated and bright children and get to know India deeply. I think one of the strengths is being able to interact with participants from various countries. My coordinator and driver were very helpful and introduced me to popular foods and places in our free time. The family at the guesthouse took good care of me about my meals and daily life, and we had a great time together. Even a single female student can try this program. thank you!

Response from Volunteering With India

Thank you Kureha for the review.


Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Matty Strydom

Matty is at 62 an energetic intrepid traveler, who wants to immerse herself into new experiences.
Matty Strydom


Why did you choose this program?

I am a seasoned teacher who has a lot to offer. A good teachers is a life long learner. My daughter enthused me with her love for India. The shelter for street children in Jaipur presented it self as an obvious choice. The city attracted me in being rich in Mogul history and being central in Rajestan, a state that had so much on offer.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

A first visit to India is rather daunting, even to a life long back packer. The company answer my questions promptly and was even prepared to assist with train bookings that I struggled with. I felt at ease that accommodation was provided and that I could rely on being met at arrival. I preferred to arrange my weekend trips by myself. It proved to be easy and less expensive.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Just do it!

Pack light, you would like to buy clothes in India.Try to visit some of the other programmes as well in your free time. Visiting the Elephant Programme early one morning was a high light.

Prepare well in advance. I once read a travel magazine slogan: you can only see what you know! Watch YouTube and read travel books and novels to gain insight.
I had no idea that traveling is taking such a lot of time in India. It took 6 hours to travel 260 km by car! Over night trains are convenient. I was happy with my choice of 3AC carriages. It is easy to do weekend trips on your own by train.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

Breakfast at 8, leaving for school at 9. The tuk-tuk drive was always an adventure. My actual teaching at the school was only for an hour, but I enjoyed spending two other classes with the class and their teacher assisting in class. I was very fortunate to be at the school during the Holi festival. It was loads of fun and a wonderful opportunity to bond with the boys.

We arrived back at the guesthouse for lunch. The afternoons were free. The central location of the guesthouse made it easy to explore the city.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

I am intrepid and do not pre-empt problems.Be open to new experiences and have a sense of humour. You are visiting a country unique in its variety, sensorial overload and wonderful craziness. Drink a lot of water and sleep enough. Wash your hands regularly. And do not miss out on street food!

I was fortunate not to get an upset tummy. It was good advise to take probiflora daily for gut health.

Can I still back pack and volunteer in my 60's?

But of course Darling! You have so much to offer as an older person. The contact with young volunteers and younger people in general is so enriching. My best moments were sitting in a tuk-tuk smiling and making eye contact with the people in the other tuk-tuk or on moter bikes. Smiling was always rewarded with the warmest of returned smiles. Spread the joy if being there and being alive! A regret? I did not ask our host to teach me to make chapati.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Sukret Sharma

Job Title
Marketing Manager

Tell us a little about Volunteering With India and your role at the company.

Man with an elephant

Sukret: Volunteering With India is an Indian based non-profit that wants to unify people around the world to help those in need.

Volunteering With India's founders were originally just a group of friends. In the beginning we used to help local NGO’s with their work with the community. We would teach children in rural areas how to use the computers, help homeless children, help kids placed in orphanages, and took part in the women empowerment movement. Next, we got involved in a program that offered theater education to school children and we were amazed at how well the kids performed. After this, we started working with animal care centers in Jaipur and started running an awareness program about animals. All this work led to our desire to build an organization that could handle all these problems.

Currently the organization is running successful programs in the city of Jaipur and in the rural areas that surround it. Our work is about helping children stay in school and give them a better education. In addition, we want to develop their talents, help women become independent and aware of their rights, and raise awareness about animal rights. We hope our work will help develop a more powerful, educated and aware society.

I overlook the marketing and promotion part of the projects and provide online support to the volunteers before they join the project. I am also Relationship manager for the volunteering organizations and with local NGO's.

How did you get involved in the volunteer industry?

Sukret: I graduated with a degree in Commerce and IT. I found a job in one of the India's IT leading firms where my role was to provide computer education in rural areas and send computers to government schools. I went to local schools fixing computers, teaching classes to both children and teachers to give them basic knowledge about computers. After a while, I started doing this for free. This was the initial start that inspired me to get a group of my friends together and start a volunteer organization to help people in need.

What makes Volunteer with India unique?

Sukret: Our foreign volunteers often say they don't feel like tourists when they are with us because they get totally immersed in the Indian culture. This is something makes Volunteering With India unique. In addition, volunteers have said repeatedly that they trust the organization because it is local based organization, has lower fees compared and presents everything in a clear manner through the website.

In your experience, what characteristics make a good international volunteer?

Sukret: First, try to not to feel and act like a tourist. Get immersed in the culture, be open and be friendly with everyone in the community. It's important to respect the culture and tradition of the country. Also, be sure to do the tasks that are assigned to you.

What does the future hold for Volunteering With India?

Sukret: The future looks good for Volunteering With India. The organization is achieving its goals and mission day by day with the help of the team members, partners and local NGO's.