Projects Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best trip ever and i met the most amazing people!!!!

I did the childcare high school project in Peru in the summer earlier this year..I met an amazing group of people similar to my age from all over the world who I still keep in touch with! I absolutely loved teaching and playing with the kids in the nursery and staying with a host family. It was an amazing and unique experience and I 100% recommend everyone to go on a trip like this.
I went on this trip to Peru (a spanish speaking country) never having learnt any spanish! But by the end I could communicate very basically with the locals..with thanks to a spanish lesson we did! We also got the opportunity to do a Salsa dancing lesson on the third day!! which was a great icebreaker!
Overall it was an incredible trip with lots of memories made!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
We went on a weekend trip where we got to visit Machu Picchu and the sacred valley which was incredible!
Response from

Hi Riana,
I'm so glad to hear you had a rewarding experience on our High school specials Care project in Peru. Your effort towards the project is greatly appreciated. We can't wait to have you back again with Projects Abroad.

Irazema Arizabal, Country Director for Peru

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No, I don't recommend this program

Eye opening but poorly organized

I was almost 17 and I signed up for the 2 week education in Argentina for Highschoolers. It was my first time ever being out of the country so it was an amazing experience in the way that I was living in a whole new culture. Out of the 14 high school volunteers, I was the only one signed up for the education program- the other two programs were human rights and medical. My first week I went to the school I was assigned to, however there were only 1-3 kids depending on the day (and one was a 1 yr old that slept the whole time). Most days I would do nothing in terms of interacting with the kids. While I understand that this can be unpredictable, I feel that a little more organization was needed on the Projects Abroad side. It required many phone calls with higher up people in the program to try and switch projects- it was not very easy. I finally switched into the human rights program, though, and so I felt a little more immersed in the culture there. However, one of the main downsides of the whole program was the amount of time we got to spend in the community. We had to have 24 hr surveillance at all times, which could have worked fine, except that there was not enough staff to take us out often. This meant we were cooped up in a small courtyard for most of the trip. On the weekends, though, we went to a farm and had a cookout with locals and did a scavenger hunt in the city, but those were the few times we actually got to see Córdoba. The food was descent and the housing felt very secure and friendly (with 4 other girls in the program). My flight was actually cancelled the night before I left, along with a few other people. Since I had let Projects Abroad book my flights, I expected assistance from them in getting me on a new flight. I received none, and my parents had to call in the middle of the night to work something out. I ended up staying for an extra 2 days and they ended up being the best days of the trip. Only one other person could not get an earlier flight, and since we were technically not part of the program anymore, we were allowed to stay at the same residence but come and go as we wanted. We were able to figure out how to take the bus to the city and walk around the markets and eat at different restaurants. I wish that we had more freedom to do these things during the two weeks with the program, as this was the time that I felt fully immersed in the culture, was able to talk to locals in Spanish, and take initiative- all things I signed up wanting to be able to do. I don’t think I would recommend this specific program to others simply because I didn’t get to see and experience as much of Argentina as I felt the program had promised when I signed up. Also I think that they falsely advertised the education program, as I had the impression hay I would be teaching lessons to the kids. However, if you have not been outside the country much and want to get out of the bubble of your own city and culture, I would definitely recommend doing a program similar to this, as it really opened my eyes to all the new things I have yet to experience in the world.

What would you improve about this program?
There needed to be better organization and communication in the staff as well as greater communication between the program and the volunteers about what it looks like day to day in the country.
Response from

Hello Katherine.

Thank you for taking the time to provide us feedback about your time in Argentina.

I’m sorry to hear that you weren’t satisfied with the daily tasks of the project. You opted for the care project which involves caring for younger children. To me it sounds like you’d be a fantastic match for one of our teaching projects which tends to be with older school students. I do appreciate your feedback; I have contacted our staff in Argentina who will ensure that your placement is reviewed in line with your feedback.

It was great to hear that you switched to the Human Rights project. We are continuing to help vulnerable groups of citizens in Argentina, in 2017 we helped 56 citizens gain National Identification Cards which helps them access vital public service both medical and social.

I’m sorry to hear that you felt cooped up at times. You were part of our fully supervised High School Special. It sounds like that you may have been better suited to one of our Flexi trips which is for volunteers wanting more independence. Nevertheless, you should not have felt cooped up and I have therefore raised this with the local staff to review the number of social activities and sightseeing opportunities.

It was warming to hear that you went to a traditional farm, had a cookout with the locals and visited the big city.

I understand your frustration with regards to the flight, I have passed on your concerns to our travel team. It does sound like you made the best out of the situation.

If you would like to contact me directly about your experience, please feel free to contact me on my email

Best Regards,


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Yes, I recommend this program

PURA VIDA! - my guiding mantra from Costa Rica

I took part in this project through Girl Guiding international trip. It took me out of my confort zone and into a rainforrest filled with bugs and insects but i didnt mind. Mainly because I had the most amazing experience on that I will never forget. On my trip I conqured so many fears and was put in situatiuons which I would never have imagined in my wildest dreams but I wouldnt have changed it for the world best 3 weeks of my life Ive spent. The projescts abroad staff were so accomodating, I personally didnt have any experience with speaking spanish, let alone Costa Rican spanish! So i felt very very out of my depth in that regard. But the staff knew a lot of english and were alble to teach me a few words and phrases. My favourite of all id 'Pura Vida' or pure life, a manta that Costa Rican Ticos live by.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I was having a shower and a trantula came out of nowhere! I was terrified and almost ran out naked but all was good he scuttled away and i continued to shower. Not something im likely to want to repeat.
Response from

Hi Helen,
I'm so glad to hear you had a rewarding experience on our Project in Costa Rica. Your effort towards the project is greatly appreciated. We can't wait to have you back again with Projects Abroad.

Luis Eduardo Arguedas, Country Director for Costa Rica

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Yes, I recommend this program

Girl Guiding adventure in Costa Rica

I took part in this project through Girl Guiding international trip. It took me out of my confort zone and into a rainforrest filled with bugs and insects but i didnt mind. Mainly because I had the most amazing experience on that I will never forget. On my trip I conqured so many fears and was put in situatiuons which I would never have imagined in my wildest dreams but I wouldnt have changed it for the world best 3 weeks of my life Ive spent. The projescts abroad staff were so accomodating, I personally didnt have any experience with speaking spanish, let alone Costa Rican spanish! So i felt very very out of my depth in that regard. But the staff knew a lot of english and were alble to teach me a few words and phrases. My favourite of all id 'Pura Vida' or pure life, a manta that Costa Rican Ticos live by.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I was having a shower and a trantula came out of nowhere! I was terrified and almost ran out naked but all was good he scuttled away and i continued to shower. Not something im likely to want to repeat.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Cusco, Peru. Medical Internship!

I have wanted to do my Medical Internship with Projects Abroad for years, but I didn't realize how much I needed it for my growth and how it made me into a smarter and better person. I went to Peru alone and met some amazing travelers, doctors, and locals. I felt so lucky to go, and get credit for my University in New York. I was able to practice my language, live with a different family, and interact and learn from volunteers and local Doctors. The Doctors I observed from wanted me to learn as much as possible about their speciality, which I appreciated. Along with learning from Doctors, I was able to adapt to living in a completely different culture and situation than I ever has before. I ended up not only learning, but having a lot of fun on weekend excursions and meeting new people!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The most unfamiliar thing I ate was Guinea pig! I knew it was something I needed to try while I was there, even if it was only a few bites.
Response from

Hi Isabella,

I'm so glad to hear that you had such a rewarding experience on the Medicine project in Peru. You made a worthwhile contribution to our ongoing sustainable goals – you were really appreciated by the local community. You are very welcome to volunteer or Intern with Projects Abroad again!

Irazema Arizabal, Country Director for Peru

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Yes, I recommend this program


My journey started in London and it took me several hours to reach the final destination: Andasibe, a small village close to the capital of Madagascar. I was very scared and did not know what to expect... Despite the fear, anxiety and the uncertainty when I arrived I immediately felt at home! People were friendly and kind, the accommodation was superb as well as the food made by the hosting family.
I spent 2 weeks working with kids and I can certainly say that I will never forget their smiles and eyes! After that experience, my life has changed in a positive way: I see things from another perspective and I learnt how to appreciate even the smallest and obvious things I have in my daily routine. I truly recommend everyone to pack your stuff and experience something similar because your life will make much more sense afterwards!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
The only thing I would change is the length of the experience. Two weeks were enough to discover a new world and feel unique sensations, however I wish I spent more time there to enjoy it even more!
Response from

Hi Brigida,

Thank you for taking the time to leave your review of the Care project in Madagascar. Your effort was not only appreciated by us but, by the local community. We look forward to having you on another project or Internship in the near future!

Tojo Ramaroson, Country Director for Madagascar

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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteering in China 2017

I volunteered for two weeks in Chengdu, Sichuan province. As this was my first time away from home in another country, I was initially very nervous as this was so far out of my comfort zone, but as soon as I landed I felt wecolmed and realised this would be an amazing experience.
The first week was spent working with autistic children, helping with their rehabilitation, also we spent some time at a primary school helping the children learn about our culture whilst also learning about China.The second week we helped out at a panda conservation centre, helping feed and learn about China's most loved animals.
This program was an amazing experience and one that I'll never forget. I met some amazing people and learned so much about Chinese culture.
I definitely recommend this program, if you love meeting new people, playing with cuddly pandas, and working with kids; this is definitely the program for you.

What would you improve about this program?
At times it felt a little unorganized and we weren't sure what to do. So maybe have more activities that people either can do or don't have to do.
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Yes, I recommend this program

2 weeks Summer Program in Nepal

It was my first volunteering experience abroad and it's definitely not going to be the last one! Going there and actually participating in a life changing made me realise how easy it is to make a difference and improve peoples lives with the smallest contribution.
The program is a very good introduction to the volunteering world at such a young age.

I feel that I made a difference and that what I did was really valued by the local people. I do feel that we made a better place for the kids and that it will improve their lives in a small way.
Although this was a very good experience and I made very good friends from all over the world (I'm still in contact with some of them), I wanted more. At some points I felt more of a tourist than an actual volunteer which is why next time I take part in a volunteering project I want to live with a family to fully understand and have a sense of what their day to day life is like.

What would you improve about this program?
I would improve the time spent with the children. I didn't have the feeling that we were being effective. The fact that the kids didn't understand English made it very hard to communicate with them and be useful.
Response from

Hi Ophelia,

I'm glad to hear you had an amazing time on High School Specials Care and Community placement in Nepal. Thank you for the effort you put into the project. It is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to leave us a positive review. It really does help build the Projects Abroad Global Family. We hope to see you on one of our projects again!

Sajani Amatya, Country Director for Nepal

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Yes, I recommend this program

An unforgettable experience in Sri Lanka

With my best friend, we went for a month in Sri Lanka with projects abroad doing the high school special project. For one month, we took care of disadvantaged children in a small village one hour from Colombo. We teached them English, hygiene, we played with them ... We had an incredible experience in a beautiful country, with a culture completely different from ours. We were out of this world and had an amazing experience. Despite the heat, the humidity, and the very spicy food, we discovered a culture we do not know, a culture I loved, and sumptuous landscapes. Between wild beaches, dream beaches and mountains, where the air is much purer and pleasant, Sri Lanka also has a very specific and beautiful architecture. I would like to thank projects abroad and in particular the high school project staff who greatly helped us to live this unforgettable experience.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I advise future travelers abroad projects in Sri Lanka to be ready to eat very spicy and endure a heat often very humid and very difficult to withstand. But I also advise them to prepare their cameras to take full advantage of the most beautiful landscapes of countries of Indian culture.
Response from

Hi Maxence,
Thanks for leaving us such a wonderful review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your time away with us on High School Specials Care and Community Project in Sri Lanka. Our staff and the local community really appreciate the time and effort that you invested into achieving our long term goals. You will be welcomed with open arms upon your return!

Gishan Perera, Country Director for Sri Lanka

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience

I have had the best experience of my life in Kenya! I met the best people from all over the world, the projects abroad staff was amazing as well! Great guidance, amazing job by everyone from Team Projects Abroad Kenya! You change lifes and create the best memories for your volunteers! I am so grateful!
The project was amazing, the childs were the best and way more. Projects Abroad really cares about safety and well-being of their volunteers! But Kenya cannot be the ultimate experience without seeing the epic marvelous wildlife! The organization is supporting her volunteers to do such safaris. And they were great! I saw all the big 5 animals and even more!
The best thing probably is meeting new friends! I still speak the most of them and I am so happy with that!
All the love to projects abroad and their staff. Cheers from a super grateful traveller!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Stay long enough!! 5 weeks were flying. Like legit😉
Response from

Hi Rob,
Thank you for leaving such a nice review. We’re delighted that you had a great time while having a profound impact on the local community. We hope that you can join us again in the future on our Care & Conservation Project in Kenya or perhaps a totally different project and destination – there are loads to choose from! See you soon.

Carol Mungai, Country Director for Kenya