Study Anthropology Abroad

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Anthropology Study Abroad Programs

Study Abroad in Vienna with IES Abroad
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IES Abroad Vienna

A stunningly beautiful city, Vienna occupies a unique position at the...
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Study Anthropology Abroad


Are you sick of sitting in a stuffy lecture hall hearing about Marcel Mauss, Franz Boas, or Claude Levi-Strauss and all there exciting adventures? When is it gonna be your turn! Are you itching to get out in the field like they once did?

There’s only so much you can learn about culture from a book; complete immersion in a new culture allows for Anthropology students to learn more about their field of study while applying the techniques they’ve learned in the classroom; and, of course, while having tons of fun.

Program Types

The Ethnohistorical Field School, Mexico: This school is an intensive travel study program that allows students to learn indigenous cultures through exploration of archaeological sites, museum collections and immersion into indigenous communities, as well as classroom courses and on-site lectures being held in English.

The Ecuador Field School Programs: This school focuses on understanding the coastal Ecuadorian culture and allows for students to learn this through field methods, interaction with local populations and collecting and analyzing data, as well as courses being taught in English.

Popular Destinations

One of the wonderful parts about anthropology is that you really can study it anywhere.

If you're an archaeology student, places like Jordan, Egypt, Greece, Italy, and Peru are great destinations to consider. You'll also want to look into a program that incorporates field study with your usual academics.

For cultural anthropology students, the world is your oyster -- literally. From New Zealand to Senegal, Malta to Laos, Papua New Guinea to Bolivia, studying abroad as an anthropology student is a chance to finally immerse yourself in the cultures you've been reading about in ethnographies.

Personally, I struggled to find a good destination to study anthropology abroad. Out of the 20+ foreign universities that my home university had partnerships with (and therefore easy and affordable direct enrollment study abroad options), only two had anthropology departments -- one of which being the University of Malta.

However, if you open yourself up to third party program providers, there are a few highly specialized operators out there. ISDSI, which runs a People, Ecology, and Development study abroad program in Thailand, is a great example of a program that incorporates intensive anthropological and ecological studies. Plus, you'll get to learn Thai -- essential for any future ethnographic research in Thailand!

Costs & Funding

The cost of your program will vary widely, and your overall budget will be determined by the country you end up studying abroad in. However, all students should consider applying for study abroad scholarships. Here are a few noteworthy ones for anthropology students:

Contributed by Samantha Coughran

What People Are Saying


I can honestly say this program changed my perspective on the world and myself. The homestays, Spanish Intensive, Block 1 Classes on Social Development in Latin America, The field program trip, and my...
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IES Abroad Barcelona

Studying abroad in Barcelona was an incredible experience, particularly due to the immersive language environment. I quickly improved my Spanish through daily conversations with locals and classes...
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CEA CAPA Education Abroad in Rome, Italy

During my time in Rome, I lived 100 lives and met so many amazing people. The CEA staff was immediately so welcoming and supportive to our program and made us feel right at home. I lived with six...
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