INTRO Travel

Intro Travel

Why choose Intro Travel?

INTRO Travel operate amazing and award winning group tours all over the world!

Perfect for solo or first-time travellers, our trips include advice and support before you go, an awesome group leader from the moment you arrive, an instant group of friends and an amazing itinerary full of unforgettable experiences.

Check out our programs below for all the info!



At INTRO our commitment to a sustainable future is a key principle, and the driving force behind our Small Change initiative, which we launched in 2017.

As part of our goal to make a real positive impact to the environment, we partnered with Eden Reforestation Projects in 2019 to plant 10 trees for every booking we received. And as a result we’ve planted tens of thousands of trees, aided reforestation, rehabilitated wildlife and reduced poverty in multiple local communities.

However we wanted to go even further and achieve true sustainability, so in late 2023 we began a new partnership with Path Net Zero to accurately measure our tours emissions, and Veritree to plant trees to offset those emissions.

We are now very proud to say that every INTRO tour is 100% carbon neutral.

Ethical Impact

At INTRO our commitment to a sustainable future is a key principle, and the driving force behind our Small Change initiative, which we launched in 2017.

As part of our goal to make a real positive impact to the environment, we partnered with Eden Reforestation Projects in 2019 to plant 10 trees for every booking we received. And as a result we’ve planted tens of thousands of trees, aided reforestation, rehabilitated wildlife and reduced poverty in multiple local communities.

However we wanted to go even further and achieve true sustainability, so in late 2023 we began a new partnership with Path Net Zero to accurately measure our tours emissions, and Veritree to plant trees to offset those emissions.

We are now very proud to say that every INTRO tour is 100% carbon neutral.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Favourite country so far!

Had a fantastic 10 days on the intro Cambodia trip. I loved the activities and the history we did and was really happy with the accommodation. Our guide Elliot was excellent, a great mix of being easygoing but also being on top of organizing everything and looking after everyone. He gave great recommendations for our free time and was great fun.
When any help concerns were raised, everything was organised really smoothly to make it the least stressful experience possible, so at least that didn’t have to be a negative for the trip.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
We got to try crickets, frogs and mealworms at one of the markets.
  • Really fun
  • Excellent history
  • Great food
  • Plastic pollution
  • Division between group from previous tour and newcomers
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Yes, I recommend this program

Intro Cambodia Review

I had the best time on this tour - was a great mixture of activities and free time to explore Cambodia. I particularly enjoyed the time we spent on the island - the ferry there and back is so fun! We had a lovely group of 16 people of all different ages and everyone got on so well so I’d recommend the tour for literally anyone! We had such a lovely tour guide (Elliott) - he made sure we all felt safe at all times, was always up for social activities and the tour ran so smoothly with him in charge! Couldn’t recommend this tour more!

What was your funniest moment?
I particularly enjoyed poking Elliott with a stick with him thinking it was a fly and picking the first three songs for the pool party ;) Also proud to be a part of the 107 gang!
  • Overnight Bus
  • Kayaking
  • The whole Island experience
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Yes, I recommend this program

Cambodia Intro tour

We loved our tour and had a great time meeting the other members of the group and had the best tour guide (Elliott). Felt super safe and had a good balance of having fun as well as relaxing. Really enjoyed myself.

Loved the evening activities - final night with Elliotts pool party was super fun!!! The karoke was a good ice breaker, and enjoyed all the evening meals to chat to different people.

The circus could be added in as it was a super fun add on, as well as the apopo rats. But overall really enjoyed my time!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Cockroach 🤯
  • Organised for you- didn’t need to worry
  • Good variety of activities
  • Include the circus in the tour in Seam Reep
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Yes, I recommend this program

Intro Cambodia

I loved the tour , I thought it was really well organised and lots of fun. Elliott was a great tour guide , very caring and well organised, really felt like he became a good friend by the end of the trip. I would definitely recommend this tour to everyone, it had lots of fun activities but also there was time to do your own thing , which I enjoyed.
The tour had lots of different activities from seeing the city to being on a tropical island - I think the tropical island was my favourite.
Couldn’t thank Elliott enough for a great tour !!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
A cricket !!
  • Great fun
  • Well organised
  • All new experiences
  • Waiting at the train station
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Yes, I recommend this program

12 days Vietnam

Amazing group and group leader.
Every day we got information what we are going to do and what we need for the day.
No stress for travelers. You don't have to worry about anything.
In a 12 days, they make sure you see a lot. Not a lot time for tanning, but you don't come for that if you are in a country like Vietnam.
You get free time and can choose what you want to do with it. Enough time to relax, get great massages, shopping or getting some good food.
Great tour for single travelers. I enjoyed every second of it

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?


Displaying 1 - 9 of 15

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Adrian Rutkowski

Job Title
Group Leader
Adrian moved out from Poland when he was 19 years old and ever since he has spent all of his free time travelling around the world, experiencing new cultures and seeking new adventures.
He has now settled with the best job in the world as a Group Leader in Vietnam.
A group of travelers posing in front of a sunset

What is your favorite travel memory?

It’s very hard to name one favourite travel memory, as no trip is ever the same, and even if you return to the country you’ve been before, you’ll always have a new favourite memory!

But if I have to name one, it’s going to be the volcano sunrise hike in Bali! Watching the sun come up on the horizon from the top of an active volcano is such a once in a lifetime experience!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I’ve realised that travelling with a group is the best way to travel!

Whenever I used to go travelling, I would go all by myself and try to meet new people along the way. But that isn’t always easy if you only have a week or two to spend in a country.

But if you come with a group of like minded people from day one until the end, it changes the whole experience completely!


What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

“Adrian! We’re planning a reunion with the whole group next month! You need to come!”

Hearing that people who were strangers to each other before coming on a tour, are now becoming best friends and planning reunions and next trips together, is just the best thing you can possibly hear from someone.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would definitely choose the 13-day Japan Adventure!

Japan is just this this country that blends in ultramodern cities, very rich history and culture with some of the most beautiful nature as well!

From the Bullet train ride, to a Samurai experience, Mount Fuji, Sushi making class and so much more!
This tour has all you need when you come to Japan!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?


It’s our initiative towards responsible travel. We not only encourage people to reduce single-use plastics, participate in beach cleanups, but also support local communities and engage in cultural exchange.

It’s great to see how people start using reusable water bottles, buy locally made products, or teach local people few English words.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

To be a successful company, you have to be passionate about what you do and make sure you keep your employees happy.

I believe that if you’ll keep these things in order, your employees are going to go that extra mile for you and your customers, no matter what problems you’ll face, you’ll always get through it.