IFSA (Institute for Study Abroad)

Program Reviews

Yes, I recommend this program

Buenos Aires with IFSA Butler

IFSA Butler facilitated the experience I was looking for. As a fairly independent person who wanted the opportunity to create myself outside of a super organized American program, IFSA provided me with the freedom to enroll in local universities and create my own personalized experience. While I absolutely loved my host mom, I knew various people that wanted to change, and IFSA was incredibly responsive to such issues. Beyond this, Argentina is absolutely beautiful and I would recommend to anyone who is considering studying abroad in South America to consider going there and on this program. You will have the opportunity to improve your Spanish, live in a vibrant beautiful country, and make friends from all over the world.

What would you improve about this program?
To me, the process of choosing classes appeared intimidating. I would love to have had a list of recommended classes across universities from which I could choose.
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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA Really Made The Experience!

When I decided to study abroad, I wasn't completely sure what I was getting myself into. Others had told me studying abroad was a life changing experience, so I took the opportunity and pushed myself outside of my comfort zone. I'm extremely thankful that I went with IFSA's University of Edinburgh Partnership because I felt that they really made the difference. They told me everything I needed to know about navigating life and academics at Edinburgh, provided great resources and support for dealing with culture shock, and our trip to Inverness in the Scottish Highlands was the highlight of my semester. I met a lot of incredible people thanks to IFSA and I feel like they greatly reduced the stress of adjusting to a new country and made the entire experience so much fun. I recommend that even if you're not planning to go to Edinburgh to try and find a program through IFSA because they know a lot about the local culture and host school and the staff really want to make your time abroad special.

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Global and Public Health in India

I enjoyed studying abroad in India because of my personal connection with the culture. I was fascinated with the experience and working with Manipal University. I enjoyed the food as well as the movies and music. There were challenges adjusting to the cultural expectations that were required of that space, but I understood that I can't be that moving force of change in that space. The amount of help I received at Manipal University was important and supportive to keep going. I also enjoyed the independent trips we had to explore India.

What would you improve about this program?
Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA Butler Universidad Nacional

I spent my fall semester abroad in Heredia, Costa Rica on the IFSA Butler study abroad program at La Universidad Nacional. The program went from July 14 - Nov 14, and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I would highly recommend studying abroad as an exploratory experience to all college students. You will find adventure, new friends, and learn so much along the way. IFSA, specifically, does a great job of facilitating this experience of studying abroad. The abroad team is extremely knowledgeable, and they make it their jobs to be available to you for any help you may need. They made learning a language in a new country an thrilling challenge. The homestay they organized was great, and they even organized several trips for the students on our program to explore different parts of the country (the trips are great, I would recommend not missing out on them). Overall, 10/10 experience. I would recommend it to anyone.

What would you improve about this program?
The University is located in an urban center. You will not be studying in a jungle or near a beach. This wasn't made completely clear to me before going. There are mountains in the area, but you are predominantly surrounded by buildings in a developed area. Just be aware of this before going.
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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA - Sydney Sem 2

IFSA changed my life for the better. I lived at urbanest (an apartment style housing provided through IFSA). I also had a difficult time choosing between living with the Ozzies or living with americans but again only my experience, I'm SO glad I lived with Americans. Living in urbanest a lot of people in your program will be there which turned out for me to find literally INCREDIBLE gems. I'm not joking when I say I met the best americans and friends abroad through living arrangements than I could have ever imagined. Like life-time long friends, who I actually see a lot now back in America. This is realllllly important for the aftermath of abroad when you're back and sad and going through reverse culture shock (lol adapting back to America....) to have this support system of tons of incredible friends who experienced the same as you and will literally keep your abroad experience alive for the rest of your life. I'm actually in the process of making post graduation plans with one of my friends I met in my urbanest to go live in Sydney for a year or two! The facility itself is really great also, very safe and secure and in really good locations close to trains and buses and lots of fun lil' cafes and sidebar (more for that if you want). IFSA was also incredible with creating a new support system for your home away from home.

What would you improve about this program?
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 4 months of my life!

I studied abroad in Galway through IFSA-Butler. It was incredible; I've never been happier in my life than I was in Ireland. Everyone at IFSA is so helpful and kind and supportive. They walk you through every step of the application process, help you prepare to leave, meet you when you arrive, and help you get settled. There's always someone ready to answer any questions and troubleshoot issues. When I first arrived in Galway, we had several days of orientations where we moved in to our apartments, met the other students on the program, and IFSA staff literally walked around the whole city with us, took us on tours, and bought us meals so that we could get to know Galway and feel comfortable there. IFSA also organized two weekend excursions that are included in the program, to Kilkenny and to Belfast. They were both incredible, with a mix of planned activities and free time, so we didn't miss out on anything. The whole time I was living in Ireland, I personally knew the IFSA staff who were my contact points- they came to campus regularly to check in and chat with everyone, and would even just hang out with us in town if they had free time. If I ever needed anything, all I had to do was send a text, easy enough since IFSA provided us with Irish sim cards for our phones! IFSA is just a fantastic program, they took such good care of us and really went above and beyond to make this trip the highlight of my life.

Galway is also an amazing city. It's very safe, whether you're walking home at 3pm or 3am. I was NEVER harassed the entire time I was there. It's beautiful and historic and small enough that you can walk pretty much everywhere, but big enough to include several ruined castles and open fields full of horses. And if you're interested in learning the Irish language, Galway is a great place to be. It's near the Gaeltacht, and NUIG offers Irish language courses for international students that include a weekend homestay in Connemara, which was an incredible experience. I met some of my best friends at NUIG. I loved everything about my semester abroad, and that was made possible by IFSA. If you're serious about going abroad, CHOOSE IFSA and CHOOSE GALWAY!

Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing place, Great people and an Extravagent experience in total

From the moment I arived in china until the day I left, the company and my host family made me feel at home and so relaxed. They truly helped me make it a very memorable experience. I've learn a lot about the culture of China through the culture activities and culture classes they gave, all of them were really enjoyable and gave me a whole new look at China. The language classes was of an exceptional standard and the teacher got us all involved which made the learning so much easier and in all I really enjoyed taking the classes.

Thanks to Aupairia and all the ladies in the office for the chance to experience all these great things.

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Yes, I recommend this program

London Living 2017

Studying at Queen Mary University and living in London was by far one of the greatest opportunities I have been lucky to have in the first 21 years of my life. Not only did I get the chance to explore a new city, but also I was able to enjoy learning for the sake of learning.

Coming from a rigorous collegiate institution in the U.S., I am used to being bombarded with assignment after assignment. From my experience at QMUL, the approach to learning is a little different in the U.K. While the academics at Queen Mary are by no means unchallenging, the work load is reasonable and manageable. Instead of having multiple assignments each week, I had only a few assignments during my semester abroad, with each carrying most of the weight of my final grade. With fewer assignments worth more, I was able to simply enjoy going to class and engaging with the course material without the pressure of too many graded assignments.

In addition to the academic experience, I also enjoyed exploring the London social scene. I had plenty of time to try out the various food markets, pubs and clubs. In terms of my living situation, I had the best of both worlds, because I lived with British students attending QMUL full time and other students in my program.

What would you improve about this program?
The only complaint I had about the program was that while I was applying IFSA-Butler at QMUL was implementing a new website that was not fully up and running during my application process. It made things a little less clear. However, those working with my specific program were readily available to answer any questions I had.
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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA-Butler review

I studied at the University College London (UCL) for one semester. The semester was arguably one of the best times of my life. I learned a lot about other cultures, my culture, a different education system and the world at large. I was privileged to travel to about 7 countries throughout my time abroad and each experience was unique and enriching.
UCL is an academically rigorous school just like my homeschool Rice but it was interesting to see how the different the rigor was because of the different systems.
I would recommend studying abroad 100% to anyone.

What would you improve about this program?
More support
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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA Butler- University of Sydney

Studying abroad at the University of Sydney was the best experience of my life. Going to Australia in general was an amazing experience, but going through IFSA Butler made my experience much better. The IFSA Butler staff were amazing in helping us when we got to Australia for orientation by giving us a packed schedule of things to do upon arrival, and they were there for us whenever we needed. The best part of my experience studying abroad in Australia was an IFSA Butler event called country life weekend. During that weekend, all of the students in the IFSA Butler program went to stay with an Australian family at their farm. There we were able to see kangaroos hopping for miles while the sun rose. It was the epitome of the typical Australian experience and I would not have had that without IFSA Butler