Provider Scholarships

Find Your Scholarship

Finding funding for your meaningful travel can be burdensome, to help lessen the burden of these costs, we've put together a list of available travel scholarships to help you fund your travels.


Seamester Scholarships

$500 - $14,000

Sea|mester offers scholarships, financial aid, and tuition assistance to applicants who show great potential to succeed and grow from our unique...

Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea Scholarships

$500 - $10,000

Each semester, ISE and SAS offer scholarships, need-based grants, and merit grants to make it possible for more students to set sail and join our...

Trinity Logo

Trinity College Dublin - Scholarships

$1,000 - $10,000

TCD offers a number of scholarship opportunities for prospective international students interested in study at Ireland's leading university. Since its...

University of Limerick Crest

University of Limerick - Scholarship

$1,000 - $10,000

We have a number of partial merit-based scholarships. Once you submit an application you are automatically reviewed for scholarship. If you are...


University College Cork - Scholarships

$1,000 - $10,000

University College Cork awards 1,000 scholarships and bursaries annually to domestic and international students, across all areas of study. From...

Teach Abroad & TEFL

Global Access Initiative (GAIN) Grant Travel Grant

$500 - $1,000

The Global Access Initiative (GAIN) Travel Grant helps cover outbound and return airfare to all CIEE program locations for students who demonstrate...


CET Academic Programs Scholarships

$500 - $2,000

CET is a study abroad provider with locations in Brazil, China, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Jordan, and Taiwan. CET offers scholarships and...

School for International Training logo

SIT Robert Kantor Memorial Scholarship

Each year one student will be granted $10,000 in scholarship aid to study abroad with a SIT program. Funded by individual donors and foundations, the...

IES Abroad

IES Abroad Scholarships

$500 - $5,000

Financial limitations shouldn't prevent you from studying abroad with us. That's why IES Abroad offers more than $6 million in scholarships and aid...

CEA CAPA Square logo

CEA CAPA Scholarships

$100 - $5,000

CEA CAPA is committed to increasing access to study and interning abroad. We offer more than $2 million each year in scholarships, affiliations, and...

CISabroad logo

CISabroad Scholarships

$250 - $500

70% of all CISabroad students receive scholarships, grants, or discounts to study abroad. We're unapologetically committed to increasing access to...


The Global Opportunity (GO) Full-Ride Scholarship

The Global Opportunity (GO) Full-Ride Scholarship is designed to give a stand-out student the opportunity to study abroad. The scholarship can be used...

More Scholarship Opportunities

Read more about how you can fund your meaningful travel experience