Multiple Locations +2
  • China
    • Beijing
    • Shanghai
    • Harbin
  • Taiwan
    • Taipei
Academic Year, Fall, J-Term, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
Anthropology Asian American Studies Asian Studies Business Communications Cultural Studies Design East Asian Studies Economics Field Studies Finance Global Studies History Humanities International Business International Relations Journalism Language Studies Liberal Arts Linguistics Literature Marketing Political Science Psychology Public Health Public Policy Public Relations Social Sciences Sociology +19
Need-based funding, Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans, LGBTQIA+ funding, BIPOC funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
Apartment Dormitory


Price Details
The CET program fee covers tuition, housing with a Chinese roommate, activities and excursions (including an overnight excursion), weekday lunches, medical insurance, visa fees and course materials/textbooks.

The program fee does not include transportation to/from the program and meals (other than those mentioned above).

Still wondering how to budget for your time abroad? CET offers scholarships, and CET staff is happy to provide advice on keeping discretionary purchases to a minimum (i.e., they can tell you where to get cheap eats).
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Classes Visa
Mar 27, 2024
May 06, 2024
29 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

CET Greater China Programs offer intensive language and internship options in four locations. Looking for a full-time language pledge to immerse yourself in Chinese language and culture? CET Beijing or CET Harbin might be for you! Want to intern internationally while taking electives and improving your Chinese skills? Check out CET Shanghai or CET Taiwan! No matter which program you choose, you will have excellent faculty, staff support, and opportunities to learn and grow outside the classroom.

Video and Photos

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

CET believes in making study abroad accessible to students of all races, religions, origins, abilities, gender identities, and sexual orientations. We’ve gathered experiences from BIPOC students to share as resources such as the Identity Abroad pages, Perspective Pieces, and Identity Abroad Support Networks. We are also dedicated to becoming a more anti-racist organization by transforming our workplace, programs, and industry with our Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Action Plan.

LGBTQIA+ Support

CET supports and welcomes students of all identities on our programs. We provide program-specific information under the cultural climate section of our Identity Abroad webpages for LGBTQ individuals in each of our program locations.

Neurodivergent Support

CET makes every effort to offer accommodations comparable to that of the students’ home institution. Disclosing early helps us to make proper preparations. The accommodations offered at each program can be found on each program location's Identity Abroad page. These pages can provide a good idea about what classes are like in terms of workload and class time. Initiating one-on-one conversations with Student Service Coordinators can also help inform students' decisions and determine if a program will be a good fit.

Accessibility Support

CET makes every effort to offer accommodations comparable to that of the students’ home institution. The levels of accessibility, from wheelchair accessibility to extra time on exams, are under each program location’s Identity Abroad page. Initiating one-on-one conversations with Student Service Coordinators can help inform students' decisions and determine if a program will be a good fit.



CET is an environmentally conscientious organization at our headquarters in DC and programs all around the world. In each of our centers, we adopt local measures to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to sustainable practices. As part of our ongoing efforts towards sustainability, we’ve partnered with Cool Effect, a nonprofit focused on reducing carbon emissions through scientifically-proven, hand-selected carbon projects worldwide. For each trip taken by one of our staff members, travelers, or students, we donate to support three carbon projects chosen by staff volunteers every year.

Ethical Impact

When we set up a program overseas, we become a part of that local community. And as a community member, we are responsible for contributing to local initiatives in meaningful ways. Our website lists some local philanthropic organizations that help us fulfill this responsibility—they host our students, and we support their missions.

Program Highlights

  • Chinese language classes
  • One-on-one sessions for targeted learning
  • Full-time language pledge or Internship for optional credit
  • Local roommates
  • Out-of-classroom assignments & learning

Popular Programs

Students on Great Wall

CET Beijing is an intensive language program for college students of all levels. Grow your conversation skills with a full-time language pledge, local roommate, and extra-curricular activities, all in addition to Chinese language courses taught by our experienced faculty.

CET Shanghai

CET Shanghai offers a wide range of elective options, as well as the opportunity to pursue an internship abroad! Your local roommate and language course(s) will help you learn more of the language, whether you are new to Chinese or more advanced.

Students in Taroko Gorge

This program gives you access to the best parts of study abroad—intensive, customized language classes, internship opportunities in Chinese and English-speaking environments, and a location that balances life in the city with quick getaways to nature.

Students at landmark in Harbin

Are you an advanced Chinese language learner with several semesters under your belt looking for an immersive experience? CET Harbin may be perfect for you! Grow your language skills in one-on-one tutorials and through out-of-class activities with local roommates.

Program Reviews

4.73 Rating
based on 154 reviews
  • 5 rating 75.32%
  • 4 rating 23.38%
  • 3 rating 0.65%
  • 2 rating 0.65%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.55
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.4
  • Housing 4.35
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 105 - 112 of 154 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

Harbin Study Abroad

I arrived in Harbin on the 4th day of the Spring Festival, a sharp scent of gun powder punctuated the night air and the rattle of firecrackers cut through the weary numbness then descending on my jet-lagged brain. I had strained to understand the signs in the airport and I couldn't seem to get a single tone right when I tried asking for help, 'what am I getting myself into?' was the prevailing thought of the day. Luckily, all of the exhaustion of travel and the shock of entering a new cultural environment were assuaged as soon as I arrived on campus at HIT and met with Li Laoshi, Xuan Laoshi, our RA, the other staff whose patience and kindness left me smiling and ready to take on the challenge of the language pledge. As soon as the pledge started, all the students began getting used to the sounds of our Chinese names and growing into our new identity as foreigners, although we made many mistakes, confusing tones or flipping characters around, our roommates and teachers were always patient and encouraging, laughing with us and helping us take the next steps to making our Chinese more 地道。We had fantastic courses where small class sizes allowed everyone to participate and get our questions answered. Our teachers were super willing to answer questions after class hours and supported us to make sure that we all got the most out of the program. Some of my favorite memories also come from outside of class: cooking wonton soup, and going out for hot-pot, learning to play Harbin Majiang, taking my first high speed train ride on our class trip to Beidaihe (where we saw the eastern-most section of the Great Wall), and learning to bargain, and picking up on local slang from our roommates.

What would you improve about this program?
Honestly, there's not much I would change. It might be nice if students were allowed the option of textbooks that used 繁体字 however, I appreciated the chance to get used to Simplified Characters as well.
20 people found this review helpful.
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Hong Kong-Thai-American in Mainland China

For most Americans, when they say "Asian" or even "Asian-American" they lump all of East Asia and South-east Asia together. However for me as someone with cultural heritage from both Thailand and Hong Kong I find it really important to tell people that I'm not just a Asian-American or even a Chinese-American, I am a Hong Kong-Thai- American. I've heard stories, whether from my co-workers in China or from CET, that Chinese-Americans are usually judged at a higher standard than most people. While this might be the case for others, I really didn't feel this was true. First, my name in English is "translated" from my Cantonese name, sounds that don't even exist in Mandarin, so whenever I introduce myself people, including the CET teachers, assumed I was Korean. I also have really dark skin so people assume that I have southeast Asian blood in me and therefore can't speak Mandarin either. For me, I was really lucky because I looked foreign enough where most people wouldn't judge me too harshly if I messed up, but at the same time I looked "Chinese" enough that people wouldn't feel like they should practice English with me.
In terms of how my background affected my Chinese learning in class, I'm really grateful for the teachers at CET. One thing I was really worried about is the fact that a lot of the words I know in Mandarin Chinese are more Southern/Taiwanese style Mandarin, but the head teacher, Qu laoshi, assured me that this wouldn't be a problem. Her reasoning is that as Chinese-Americans, we've grown up using that terminology and while that terminology isn't necessarily standard, it isn't incorrect either so she sees no need to force us to change that habit. I was also horrified that they would try to change the way I said the pinyin "sh" and "s"s. Once again I say it with a Southern accent. Actually at one point I did get into an argument with one of my teachers, but that argument quickly melted away as we continued the lesson. My other Chinese teacher said that as we are in the 300 level class, it is too late to change our accents. She thought it was more valuable to learn new grammar and words rather than to change something like grammar. I agree with this reasoning. The point of language is to communicate and I feel like no matter what accent you have, some one will always think you have an accent.
My Chinese teacher was also really good at telling me when I was using a Cantonese/Southern way of saying something rather than the Mandarin way of saying something. Rather than saying I was wrong, she would simply say that in the mainland they don't use that phrase/word and tell me what they use in the mainland. The teachers I've had in the past would straight-out say I was wrong so I'm grateful that the teachers in CET have a basic understanding of other dialects.

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In Shangri-la. The Actual Shangri-la

One of my favorite experiences when I was studying abroad in China happened over Fall Break. When my friends and I were in Shangri-la in Yunan, we were tired and hungry from a long and windy bus ride. We decided to have a recommended Tibet-style meal for late lunch. We ate ground yak meat (amazing), spicy Tibetan tofu (amazing), bread with caramelized cheese honey (amazing), and yak milk tea (amazing). This was one of the most unique, memorable, and tasty meals of my life.

What would you improve about this program?
I did consistently wonder what this program would have been like with a language pledge. I gained a lot from using English at my internship and with my American friends. However, I understand my Chinese language could have improved much more if I hadn't used my English so often.
36 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

worthy moments in Shanghai

I first attended CET Shanghai program with the simple reason to learn more Chinese and for cultural immersion. However, CET provided me with much more than I had expected, even linking me with some of the best corporate internships in Shanghai. The experience later proved to be invaluable, enabling me to work with Chinese companies after graduating from college as I pursued the path of an entrepreneur. CET's Wide selection of internships not only helped me to think about my future career, but also provided me with professional knowledge in the industry that I was interested in. I can also say that my internship placement at the marketing/PR agency also facilitated an extensive improvement of my Mandarin skills because my supervisors often instructed me in Chinese and I was placed to research, write, and speak in Chinese during working hours. Also, weekly seminar sessions with the director of CET program helped me to organize my internship career and how to quickly solve problems so I could balance both internship and coursework effectively. Even after I completed the program, the director continued to provide students with opportunities for career advancement and developing tight networks among CET students.

Besides from internships, intensive language coursework and my awesome Chinese roommate helped me learn and experience Chinese culture! Due to small class sizes, I could maintain close relationships with Chinese teachers and weekly 1:1 discussion sessions with them were especially helpful in improving my Chinese oratorical skills. It is true that there was not enough time to hang out with my roommate because of homework and internships, but weekend getaway with her was definitely memorable and such intimate gathering helped me learn Chinese slangs that were not in textbooks.

The program director and the staff of the program are family-like and are always ready to listen and help students. When I became sick during the program, all of the staff members not only helped me to receive proper treatments, but also even arranged me with extra study sessions to catch up on the course materials. Also, because of thorough care and instructions of staff members, my worries about safety in Shanghai dissipated as silliness. Due to the warmth and reliability of the director and staff members, I was able to have a great time in Shanghai without concerns.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish more elective courses are available in the program. Though I enjoyed Chinese economy elective course, there was no other course options to take in that spring semester.

Due to tight class and internship schedules, there was not enough free time to mingle with Chinese friends. It would be great if there were more time to experience Shanghai and the culture of China.
27 people found this review helpful.
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CET Beijing in Review

CET Beijing was a decent experience that could have been made great with better planning,and more consideration for its students. However, the social experiences that I had with actual people from Beijing was fantastic. I made more than one friend, who could only speak Chinese, and it forced me to use my limited knowledge, and knowledge I gained through the course of CET, to actually communicate. To me this was the greatest, and best, part of CET.

What would you improve about this program?
Better planing on excursions, and actually listening to students needs. I had roommates issues pretty early on in the program. However, instead of the RD changing my roommate, I was forced to live with someone who couldn't stand me, until she left on her own.
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Life Changing

To call this program anything other than life changing would not do it justice. In many ways it was the most difficult thing I had ever done, and yet at the same time most rewarding. During the week it was constant Chinese classes, and much homework. However, the weekends in Beijing were what made the trip so memorable. I think this combination of challenge and fun is what made the trip so enjoyable. I definitely improved my Chinese, yet at the same time had the time of my life out on the weekends.

The program is top quality, with very good teachers willing to help at all times. Outside of this, I really did fall in love with Beijing. Everything is really cheap, so your dollars will go a long way, and there are many activities to do.

I would recommend this program to anyone.

What would you improve about this program?
It currently has a language pledge, but I felt it only added unnecessary stress to my time there. No one I knew really followed it either, so it was just something to cause us to constantly be looking over our shoulders.
41 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Learn Through Experience

Not only was this program very challenging because of its high language requirements and heavy workloads, but it also emphasized the importance of personal experience and growth. Students spent a large amount of time drilling vocabulary and grammar, but were often given opportunities to become familiar with Chinese traditions. Intermediate level students learned the necessary vocabulary to talk about traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, they were required to talk to doctors specializing in this type of medicine, and encouraged to convey utilize the practice if they saw it necessary. As always, this type of program is only as effective as students are willing to participate.

What would you improve about this program?
Due to new leadership, there were several aspects of the program that clashed with other coordinators as well as the ideas and needs of students. Often there were no clear ideas of general program requirements and massive confusions about large projects such as the final research paper. While I do not doubt that this aspect will be improved upon in the future as the program, it is an active and vital change.
25 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Warm Memories in the Ice City (Harbin)

I arrived in Harbin ready to make the most of this opportunity to participate in a semester of CET, funded by my Fulbright fellowship. My Mandarin abilities were minimal so the first month under the language pledge was excruciating. But I persisted through the discomfort of sitting silently at the dinner table because I knew this all-Mandarin environment was rapidly improving my speaking and listening abilities. I was forced to figure out how to express myself in Chinese, even if it meant stumbling through butchered sentences at first. By the half-term Fall break my Mandarin had already improved at an exponential rate. By the end of the program, my Chinese roommate was my best friend and we were regularly staying up late at night giggling in bed over stories from each of our days. The subject of these stories was often boys. My uncle told me there are several truly beautiful things one will experience in life: having a baby, falling in love, and making a friend in another language. Needless to say, my Mandarin has improved dramatically since my first week of “你好吗?”.

What would you improve about this program?
Honestly, this program was nearly perfect. I understand CET conducts competitive analysis of other top language programs to ensure they are using best education methods of the time.
22 people found this review helpful.

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