African Impact

Program Reviews

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St Lucia

I had a lot of reservations about volunteering in St Lucia. I'm pretty sceptical when it comes to humanitarian volunteer work in general. But St Lucia proved to be one of the most rewarding, worthwhile things I've ever done.
I left there knowing my work was beneficial and my time was spent well. The program is really well set up; it can easily rotate volunteers on a weekly or monthly basis through ongoing projects. Standard assignments included English lessons, gardening and HIV awareness. Those on the receiving end of the help are happy to receive it and free to turn it down; no one is forcing the issue. I feel as though I played my small part in something very worthwhile.

What would you improve about this program?
If you have a large appetite expect to visit the supermarket for snacking purposes in between meals.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you St. Lucia for showing me the value of life

Never in my life I imagined myself doing anything of the sort as I ended up doing in St. Lucia. Had been to Africa before, but not the REAL Africa, only the touristy type of Africa where nothing is really Africa... When I arrived in St Lucia and saw the colours, the people and, mainly, the children, I felt I was home. It was quite daunting the first day (never I imagined that 10 kids running towards me could actually bring me down!) but it was a truly humbling experience. I've learnt to be happy, genuinely happy, with a brick or a tyre or with the simple fact that there's water to shower at the end of a very hard working day. The little African stars (and believe me, they really are stars) will make your money truly worth it, and you will experience things that you'll never experience again! The staff were great, great organisers and mainly friends, always ready to help you and to make sure that you are getting the best of your time there. The local ladies are a show of their own, and you'll never find people so lively and lovely as them. And if you can, travel around St Lucia and beyond, you'll find amazing people and scenery. And finally, don't think you cannot do something: I've built bricks, taught English, made tonnes of face paints, made friends and left a bit of me in St. Lucia. And, at the end of your time with the great staff of African Impact, you'll feel exactly the same, and you'll dream of the day to go back again.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience in beautiful St. Lucia

I loved my time volunteering in St. Lucia. This experience opened my eyes to the epidemics of poverty and HIV/AIDS in a South African village while offering concrete and veteran projects that allowed me to feel like I was truly making a tangible difference in the lives around me. I can honestly say I learned and benefited as much or more than those we were helping, giving me deeper insight and perspective that I have been able to keep with me and share with others upon my return home. The volunteer house is beautiful, comfortable, and safe, and the staff are absolutely amazing. The programs are organized and structured without being "stuck in old ways," and are therefore constantly being reevaluated and improved upon. Additionally, there are plenty of opportunities for travel and memorable excursions so that you can be both a volunteer and a tourist in beautiful South Africa. I will never forget my time in South Africa or the amazing people I met there!

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So rewarding I went back again

I volunteered twice with African Impact in St Lucia, once on the Orphan Day Care project another time on the medical project, while I was studying at university. Both complimented my study of political science and African studies very well, and I learned even more by being in the field than I ever did in a classroom.

As far as the projects went, everything was very organised. I loved working with a great team of local Zulu staff members, and learning some of the local customs and language. All staff members were friendly, welcoming and made the volunteer house feel like home.

I always felt 100% safe, even with the hippos wandering the streets, and enjoyed the weekend tours and evenings out.

At the end of the day, the programme provides volunteers with a fun, safe and great learning experience in African development, and you can really see the impact they are making in the communities is a big and important one.

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So amazing, I came back a second time!

I went to Zambia in 2011 for 6 weeks on the Medical Project, loved it so much I decided to go back in 2012 and go on the Disabled Child Care Project.

Cheshire Homes is a small day care centre for the disabled children on Livingstone, its about a 5 minute walk from Livingstone Backpackers (where you stay as a volunteer with African Impact).

There are about 25 children on the register but most of the time about 16 children came in, depending on if they were ill or not. They all get picked up from their different compounds in the morning by a mini bus and arrive between 8 and 8.30. There are two classes, one for the older children and one for the younger ones. The children are taught basic Math’s, English, Science and various life skills such as sewing, and personal hygiene like washing themselves and their clothes where I helped out with either teaching, helping individual children or marking. The children are all amazing, some with learning difficulties and some with physical disabilities, the day care centre is great for preparing them for society and life ahead. About half way through the morning they have their break which is a cup of tea and bread so I helped with feeding a couple of the more disabled girls and handing all the food out. I was there for 6 weeks (honestly not long enough) and you really get to know their personalities, the ones that like to answer all the questions or the ones that will sit quietly and do their work. I was at Cheshire Homes every morning Monday to Friday and then in the afternoon I was on various community projects such as farming or reading club. I will always remember how grateful the children and staff were for me just being there. It was honestly an unforgettable experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life, its an eye opener and you will make memories that you will never forget. I just wish I could have stayed longer, Africa is a part of me now and I can't wait to go back!!

What would you improve about this program?
The cost, its not cheap to volunteer, especially when you add on your flights, travel insurance, vaccinations etc but it really is worth every penny.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Lion Heart

Do you ever dream of seeing a lion up close? To walk next to the King of the Jungle? To feel its soft fur under your hands as you stroke it? Dream no more, volunteer at Antelope Park with African Impact and your dream will be fulfilled.
The experience you will get at Antelope Park will last you a life time. Here,in the summer of 2012, I got to be a part of a crucial program to save the African Lion. And the best part was that you were given proof of the programs success. I saw how the lions evolved in their natural habitat, becoming more and more confident everyday. And this in only 4 weeks time. By the last week, we were running after the lions as they chased Impala, zebra and even giraffes. These are the lions that you as a volunteer will be with everyday. They are only at stage 1 of a 4 stage program to rehabilitate and re-introduce them to the wild. Another proof that made me truly believe that everything African Impact is trying to do for the African Lion really works was when I saw a Kill. As a volunteer you will get the chance to visit Stage 2, the release site where lions who have been thru stage 1 are roaming free in their natural habitat. It was here that we saw the magnificent pride run into the long grass and take down a dukier (small antelope). To see that these lions preformed as lions would in the wild was truly spellbinding and something I will never forget.
Other activités include, meat prep and lion feed (one of my many favorites), elephant training, horse safari, cub sit, research, a weekend trip to Victoria Falls and many more. The staff are some of the greatest people I have ever met and they take great care of you and they always make sure that you are safe.
I suppose the best part of this volunteer program is that you get so close to the lions to the point where you feel you know them, and would never want to leave them. That is why I am planning my return in 2014, but for now I carry all the lions and my memories of Antelope park in my heart.

What would you improve about this program?
There is really nothing I would change, and I would have to be really picky to find something to be critical about. So, all I can say is that I wish there was an option where volunteers could stay longer than 4 weeks.
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Lion Project Volunteer

I visited Antelope Park in September 2012 as a volunteer. I can only give positive feedback from my trip as it was the most educational, exciting and inspiring experience of my life. Being in my 50's I was quite apprehensive initially, I was quite nervous and not sure what to expect. From the moment we landed in Bulawayo the AP team gave us 100% help and support. We were met at the airport and taken straight to AP where we were shown straight to our volunteer accommodation,which was very basic but comfortable. We were then given a full tour of the park. We were given various safety talks, I must say that the team at AP are extremely on the ball when it comes to safety. We were given 3 fabulous meals a day and unlimited tea/coffee/water throughout. A normal day at AP would be to get up about 5.30am working day normally starts about 6.30am depending on what we were doing, I used to love the early morning lion walks, we would then return for breakfast and then going of to work, there are so many different things to do from cleaning up lion poo to elephant training,horse riding, cub sitting (my favorite) behavioral enrichment, elephant herding, border patrol the list just goes on and on. At the end of the day we would enjoy our 3 course evening meal and then time to sit around the fire and catch up with other volunteers. I could write for hours but I don't have the space. All I can say is Antelope Park is an absolutely fabulous place and if you have the chance then you must go to volunteer you will not regret it. From the moment I left AP I knew I had to return, I have already started to save up to return in 2014. Don't forget that the money you pay to volunteer at AP all goes to the rehabilitation project, the African lions need all the help and support that we can give.

What would you improve about this program?
I cannot think of anything negative, (only that the showers were cold quite a lot). For personally it was an uplifting experience.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rural and Rare

The GOOD and the not so BAD.

As far as good is concerned - it is beyond good actually. I have been volunteering for African Impact for 3 years consecutively. Each one in a different country and each one really different. In Kenya, the animals are so plentiful and the conservancy is a very beautiful place with many sitings. You can see all BIG 5 in one day and many more. There are 2 lions that have been collared this year so the telemetry is able to find them and follow the pride for maintaining data. The guides are very knowledgeable and the people very friendly. Elephant monitoring, big cat monitoring, conservancy work, education with the schools, women's empowerment group work, and wonderful opportunities to do side trips on weekends off. What could be better....the best of everything.

Bad would fall under the only thing that could even slightly be unfavorable for western cultured people. No flushing toilets, electricity off early at night, no internet or phones (sims available for purchase), and hot water only at 3pm - solar. So if you are not around for showers and need to take one at night, cold and dark. Bathrooms not that close to the rooms and headlamp is required. Animals do come very close to camp and kitchen has been raided by baboons while I was there.
In all honesty, this small BAD is all overcome as the big payoff is the wonderful animals and people.


Sacrifice is very small compared to the gains.
No one can ever be the same after this volunteering.


What would you improve about this program?
Rooms, kitchen (even though the food was very tasty), and outdoor sink (one communal for everyone, laundry and wash up)

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Yes, I recommend this program

A great time in St.Lucia

I was for 8 weeks in St.Lucia with African Impact. From 1-10-12 till 26-11-202. It is the best decision I have ever made im my life! It was great to work with the children and to meet the Zulu people. It is a wunderful culture. This place is in my heart and if I can have the chance, than I will come back and find a job overthere. It is a beautiful country and the people are amazing. I think everybody must be a volunteer, it really chance your life! And African Impact is great, they made this volunteer experience for me as a time in my life that I never forget!

What would you improve about this program?
Get internet in the volunteer house so that the volunteers can use that instead of the internet cafe.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome experience!

I was on the community project in St.Lucia working in the surrounding communities. It was such an incredible experience and worth every penny. The people are incredible and the staff are so supportive. I would 100% recommend it to anybody interested in volunteering. It was a humbling experience I will never forget and I have made so many friends from all over the world. Sign up, jump right in and have the time of your life!

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