  • Australia
    • Sydney
Fall, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
Business Economics Entrepreneurship Environmental Studies Finance Global Studies International Business Marketing Sociology Sports Sustainable Development +1
Need-based funding, Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans, Work study, LGBTQIA+ funding, BIPOC funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
Associates Bachelors
Apartment Dormitory Host Family


Price Details
Included: Personalized Pre-departure Advising; Tuition & Registration; Travel Medical Insurance; On-site Orientation; Housing; Volunteer Opportunities; On-site Staff Support; Excursions and Cultural Engagement; Host Institution Services & Amenities and more. Scholarships available.
What's Not Included
Accommodation Activities Classes Transportation Wifi
May 21, 2024
Feb 23, 2024
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About Program

CEA CAPA’s programs in Sydney will give students a chance to study or intern in one of Australia’s largest cities. Sydney provides a perfect blend of laid-back and high energy, giving every student the opportunity to make the city their own. When you study or intern abroad in Sydney, you can enjoy some of Australia’s most iconic destinations like a local.
With arts, culture, an incredible food scene, and dazzling natural beauty, no two days will be alike for a study abroad student in Sydney. Consistently ranked one of the world’s most livable cities, study abroad students in Sydney get to experience a world class education that’s a short metro ride from your residence and study center.
Giving you the best possible study abroad experience is our top priority.

Video and Photos

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

CEA CAPA provides, in conjunction with Diversity Abroad, Destination Guides which provide resources and tips for Black/African-American students, Latinx students, Asian American students, and all other students of color.

LGBTQIA+ Support

Through our personalized advising, CEA CAPA takes steps to understand the needs of a diversity of student identities like the LGBTQIA+ community. In addition to diversity and identity training, CEA CAPA leadership engage in continuous department level project work to identify and revise policies and practices using the appropriate Justice, Equity, Diversity or Inclusion lens as a frame to reduce bias and barriers that impact students, faculty, and staff. CEA CAPA is intentional in elevating diverse student voices and providing a platform for a broad array of identities to share their experiences abroad. The CEA CAPA World Blog promotes stories and personal experiences from the perspectives of diverse student bloggers and vloggers.

Neurodivergent Support

CEA CAPA is willing and able to assist students with learning disabilities and physical disabilities. Students are requested to disclose disabilities through the application health forms as part of their application and in discussion with their application advisor or program manager. The earlier CEA CAPA is made aware of learning or physical disabilities the better we can work with the student, institution, and overseas team to tailor an Individualized Education Program if necessary to support the student.



CEA CAPA makes a conscious effort to create study abroad experiences that leave a positive impact on host communities. Each location implements a variety of strategies to support the local community and promote sustainability. Examples include:

Use of recycling bins in Study Center locations and in CEA CAPA housing

Signage in CEA CAPA housing urging students to limit water and electricity usage

Students are often given reusable bags and water bottles upon arrival to limit single plastic use

Students are provided with instructions for acquiring transportation passes to promote use of public transportation rather than taxis

Program Highlights

  • Hands-on learning experiences that transform the world abroad into a classroom.
  • Personalized Pre-Departure Advising, including visa and immigration support.
  • Comprehensive on-site support, including 24/7 emergency phone.

Program Reviews

4.86 Rating
based on 72 reviews
  • 5 rating 90.28%
  • 4 rating 8.33%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 1.39%
  • Academics 4.15
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.85
  • Housing 4.8
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 41 - 48 of 72 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Adventures in Sydney

While abroad I was doing a 6 credit internship. The CAPA staff did an amazing job at matching an internship to my major, interests, and it was even walking distance from my home. I learned so much from doing an internship in another country. The administrations in Sydney were very helpful. They were all quick to respond to emails and made us all aware of any resources we might need. They also kept us up to date on any activities that we might be interested in, in sydney and made sure we didn't forget to do our assignments.While studying abroad I was lucky enough to participate in the homestay option. This made it a little bit harder to always keep up with the other students, but this was an amazing way to learn more about the countries culture and see just really how people on the other side of the world live! I felt very integrated since I did the homestay. I also spent some time volunteering in Sydney, which was an amazing way to meet the locals and learn more about the culture. It was especially easy since there was no language barrier. Although things may have seemed very similar to the states, getting involved was a great way to realize and appreciate the differences. Although it sounds kind of cheesy I learned a lot about myself while being abroad. I have always been a fairly independent person but that really gets put to the test when you are in a foreign country where you don't know anyone. I would say it helped me grow up a bit and learn some good life skills, like how to take the public transport! I also learned a lot about working in an international company. I had lots of responsibilities at my internship and learned how to balance my time seeing a new country while getting my work done. This was an amazing experience and I would do it all over again if I could.

What would you improve about this program?
The program could have been improved by having more group activities or trips planned. There were 3 required events that we went on and they were all a lot of fun. They did a good job of mixing us up at the events so we met more people on the program. It would have been nice to have more excursions planned with the CAPA group.
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Yes, I recommend this program

There's no place like Oz

In Australia, I was able to have a full time internship with a physical therapist. I got a good feel for the ins and outs of the typical day of a manual and orthopedic physical therapist. I was able to volunteer with my supervisor and assist in the treatment of athletes participating in 111km canoe race at the various check points. I went to two classes that were held on the same day, so I only had to go to campus on Wednesdays. I took The Global City: Sydney, and I recommend this class in any location because our teacher took us on tours and taught us politics, history and interactions of local social groups. In my free time I was able to go to the beach, go on coastal walks and enjoy all of the fun social things Sydney had to offer. This time was beautiful, and I was the happiest I have ever been.

What would you improve about this program?
The way the internship class was graded was a bit frustrating because our time at our placements counted very little towards our grade. And we should have had more local student interaction. It was lacking.
39 people found this review helpful.
Response from CAPA: The Global Education Network

Thank you Bridget for your feedback regarding the internship and contact with locals. The internship experience is structured as an academic course, and most of the institutions who allow their students to attend our program do not give credit for the work itself; rather, they give credit based on the coursework that compliments the actual work experience. For this reason your grade is based almost completely on the coursework.

Furthermore, the CAPA Sydney Program follows the US academic calendar. For that reason our students cannot direct enroll in courses at a local university since the academic calendar is vastly different. We encourage integration with locals through the internship, MyEducation activities, volunteer projects as well as casual encounters with students at local establishments.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Gettting involved

My time in Sydney Australia was truly enhanced by the amount of involvement I took part in. My program offered a student council to coordinate events, and I highly suggest taking part in this. In addition I think it is vastly helpful to get to know everyone in your program and create friendships that will help you deal with culture shock and share adventures with. Once you are settled and feel comfortable in your new home, make sure to explore and see everything you can. While I was there I tried doing something in the city at least every week, and even traveled farther on several occasions. Doing so with other people in your program will make that experience that much better.

What would you improve about this program?
I wished there was more opportunity to engage with local Australians my age from other Universities.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Life Changing Australian Adventure

I will forever be grateful for the CAPA Study Abroad program for offering such an amazing experience. I recently completed a fall semester study abroad in Sydney, Australia. I was able to hone my time management skills as I juggled coursewor, a part-time internship at drinks Association in Chatswood, and personal travel. After returning from my study abroad, I feel that I am able to add more valuable input in class discussions. I created long lasting ties with my co-workers at my internship site and took part in amazing travel opportunities to the Gold Coast and Cairns. I was busy and found I had to put n more work than originally anticipated, but nothing worthwhile comes easy! I would do another Study Abroad in a heartbeat; it is truly a life changing experience!

What would you improve about this program?
The one thing I would have wanted to change would be commute times. Finding a more central location for students to live would make the commute times shorter and allow for more free time.
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A Life Changing Experience

Going to Sydney was something I will never forget, and the internship program left me with a lot of lasting memories. I interned at Driftwood Capital, a financial firm that helped growth-stage companies obtain capital. Being my first internship and it being in Australia, I had no idea what to expect. I was not treated like an intern at all and I became friends with some of the people I worked with. Even though we did not take classes with Australian students, I felt I was able to get my cultural experience by spending a lot of time with my coworkers.

What would you improve about this program?
Internship wise, I would have like for our final project in the internship class to be more focused on what we did in our internship as opposed to what we did. My project was focused on minimum wage in Australia, and no one at my company made minimum wage. I would have liked to reflect on my internship more.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Australia and Interning

I work from 9 - 5 Monday through Thursday and traveled on the weekends. I enjoyed my internship but I didn't care for the commute and public transportation. It was rewarding to get to see so much of Sydney, Australia. Like the Opera House and Darling Harbour. I got to make new friends and build my network for my future career. I work at a travel guide publishing company. I wrote for their blog and website. I also did the events section for their publication for the spring. The first day I was there I got an assignment and wrote an article that was published. Having this internship help me become a better writer and employee. There was a confidence that came with have my writing being used each week. I found myself to be more liberating young woman. When you are 15 hours ahead of everyone you know you can’t call you mom and have her fix your problems. You have to figure it out for yourself.This experience has taught me to except people for who they are. This trip has made me want try to learn something about all cultures and to continue to travel the world.

What would you improve about this program?
More education options for KU students. Also customer service by the CAPA staff in Australia is sometimes too lax for American students.
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Yes, I recommend this program

CAPA Sydney Life

Best experience abroad I could have imagined! Location was very convenient with the public transit, which made it easy to get around.

It was great to be able to do an internship! The internship placement was a perfect, and CAPA regularly checked in to make sure everything was going fine.

This program makes you feel like a adult by the freedoms you get, but give a comforting feeling knowing they are more than willing to help if need be.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Living the dream in the land down under

Studying abroad is the best experience of your life so take advantage of every opportunity. By going abroad with CAPA I was able to intern, take classes, and travel all over in a span of three months (granted I could have stayed longer). CAPA guarantees you an internship placement with their program and helps you to find an internship relevant to your major. Interning abroad helps you to establish an international network and build your resume for future positions. While there you also will be taking classes which are for 3 hours, but you only meet one time a week. Classes are fairly simple and professors want you to get the most of the culture from their classes. Make sure to budget your money because traveling can get expensive, but you will want to do it. I highly recommend exploring the Great Barrier Reed, it is the most beautiful thing you will ever see. Also, the cost of living is high in Australia so budget as best you can. Overall I had an amazing experience with CAPA. I loved this program and would do it again in a heartbeat if given the opportunity.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing I would improve is the internship class. This class is meant to give you a reflection of how you think your internship went, your likes and dislikes, and day to day stories. I think this class could be greatly improved because I do not feel as though it was reflective, but more research based which I did not like.
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