G written in white on blue background


Why choose Gapforce?

At Gapforce, we are passionate about travel and the positive impact it has on young people’s outlook and future prospects. Our mission is to help people become global citizens through authentic, socially and environmentally responsible travel experiences which aid self-discovery and personal development.

Through our range of school group trips, gap year programs, training courses and internships, we aim to provide our participants with a unique collection of experiences designed for different stages of life.



We are committed to exert a positive impact on the regions, countries and communities which we visit. For us it is paramount that the local organisations and communities benefit from our cooperation by working with trusted local businesses and project partners who align with our sustainability objectives.

Ethical Impact

We are passionate about travel and the positive impact it has on young people’s outlook and future prospects. Our mission is to help people become global citizens through authentic, socially and environmentally responsible travel experiences which aid self-discovery and personal development.

As a small team, we are committed to providing a highly personalised service from your initial contact right through to your chosen adventure. We achieve this through our dedicated team of program leaders and support staff, all of whom are passionate travellers united by a common purpose to help young people explore the world.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Field Guide Course

Last March I have completed the field guide course in South Africa and really enjoyed this! Booking the experience was easy and I got all info needed upfront. It was amazing to spend so much time in the game reserve with all the other volunteers and field guide participants! I have learned so much and would love to go back! In 8 weeks we learned everything about African nature and had the best experiences. The staff is very kind, helpful and knowledgeable. During the weekends we also got the opportunity to explore nearby areas which was a lot of fun!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Lion cubs!
  • Official field guide certificate
  • Accommodation and people
  • Varied program
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Yes, I recommend this program

Fantastic and unique gap year trip

I loved every second of my time in South Africa. All the staff at the reserve were fantastic, especially the rangers who were really knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the conservation that was happening there. There was a really good blend between all aspects of the course, including the classroom learning, field learning and also participating in some of the volunteer activities as well.

The volunteer house on the reserve was really nice and well looked after. It was great that although there were 6 participants on the course with me, the house was also used by the conservation volunteers as well, so I met lots of great people from around the world.

After I became qualified I stayed in touch with the reserve and arranged to return to intern with them to gain more experience in the field.
This was a 10/10 experience and would recommend to anyone with an interest in the environment, or who wants to get into the guiding industry.

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Yes, I recommend this program

EPIC wonderland of possibility!

I am blessed I had the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica and participate in the Diemaster program through Gap Force and Ocean's Unlimited. Coming from a place where there is no ocean, a very dry climate, the shift in culture was truly a breath of fresh air. I had never done Scuba before, but ended up getting my divemaster after 8 weeks. We dove almost everyday, I met some of my best friends, and the homestay family didn't speak a lick of english but they were as sweet as can be! It was beautiful!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you do this program you have to be open to being uncomfortable at first and adjusting to a completely new way of living. Lots of rice and beans- food is a form of respect, if someone you trust is offering you something, try it- especially the plantains, they're so good! Bring lots of shorts and t-shirts, I never used a hoodie and I brought three- waste of suitcase space, lol!
  • Learning a TON about Marine Conservation
  • People were from all over the world and KIND
  • Most beautiful place in the world
  • Rainy season mean't visibility n the water was not the best
  • You have to throw your toilet paper in a trash can everywhere you go- country policy
  • Expensive food
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Yes, I recommend this program

Marine Scientist Training Review

I loved my time abroad in Quepos, Costa Rica! I did a four week program, which I felt was the perfect amount of time. The staff was very welcoming and I became good friends with the other interns quickly. The best part was all of the wildlife we saw while scuba diving. We conducted fish surveys, searched for sharks, tended to the coral nurseries, and practiced diving research techniques throughout the program. We also had classroom sessions and presentations. On our days off we were able to go hiking, swimming, and exploring around town. The lifestyle is so laid back compared to the US and I absolutely loved having a change of pace. This program is perfect for getting hands-on experience in the marine science field.

I'm female with light brown/dirty blonde hair with bangs, wearing a denim button down sleeveless dress, a headband, and big circular earrings.
Yes, I recommend this program

one of the best months of my life

It was a bit scary going into this without knowing anyone, but I instantly clicked with a few people, and came to be comfortable with everyone within a week and made some really good friends by the end. That's not to say that it was always easy being in new places with new people- I did have a couple days of breakdowns because I didn't keep a balance of alone time and being with the group. This trip is a good way to get to know yourself in new environments and gain some independence. There will be difficult moments, like walking uphill for ten minutes at the hottest time of the day, trains getting delayed, missing your family, but looking back on it, I mostly just remember the fun times.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
They're not kidding when they say to pack light. You will be just fine and you'll learn to survive with fewer outfits than you think you need. Laundry services are almost always available, or you can bring some laundry detergent sheets and wash clothes in the sink.
  • new friends
  • good food
  • pretty places
  • sketchy hostels
  • heat
  • long train rides


Displaying 1 - 9 of 15

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Martha Graham Fitzpatrick

Martha is passionate about the outdoors, spending her free time hiking, climbing or camping in the mountains of Ireland and abroad.


Why did you choose this program?

I always knew I wanted a career in the outdoors and something I could travel with and meet interesting people. I found this course, and after researching similar training programmes I decided this was best for me. The opportunity to live and learn in the jungle was a once in a lifetime opportunity and this course appeared to be the most intense and rewarding in terms of qualifications and experience gained.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Gapforce organise everything apart from flights, insurance and kit. However, instructors are always there to answer any questions before you leave, whether it’s about equipment, physical or mental preparation - they are all very experienced and knowledgeable. During the course we help organise transport, meals and logistics to gain experience - this is what you would be doing as an expedition leader.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Give it your all. Even if you’re really struggling in the moment you have to appreciate where you are and what you’re doing…it’s not every day you’re lugging 30kg through the jungle in Central America! Your teammates are there to support you, everyone is in the same boat. Be open to all new experiences, even if it’s tough at first, us humans adapt very quickly. Also, foot care! (Foot rot is not a pleasant experience)

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

You will spend about 7 days in the jungle at a time, going back into town for a few days to rest, clean everything and restock on food. In the jungle you will typically get up at 7am (usually awake earlier if there’s howler monkeys around) and have breakfast. The leader of the day will give a briefing to explain the plan. Lessons will run up until lunch where you will do some housekeeping eg. collect firewood, make amendments to camp. Afterwards you will have more lessons/ activities until around 4pm. Unless you’re on the dinner team this is usually a bit of free time. You will wash in the river and clean your clothes and kit. I usually spent time practicing some knots, reading or preparing for my next leader day. It gets dark at around 6pm so we usually headed to bed after dinner at around 8 or 9pm…you’ll need your rest!

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

As the start date approached I got pretty nervous! I had a lot of self doubt and thoughts like ‘What if I’m totally inexperienced compared to everyone?’, ‘Am I fit enough?’, ‘Will people take me seriously as a leader?’. But when I arrived in Wales I quickly realised I had nothing to worry about. Even after the first week together you get to know everyone very well and quickly become a team. I did struggle at points and there were moments where I was less experienced than others, but you’re there to learn. I soon became a lot more confident as a leader, the instructors really help you figure out what sort of leader you are and you will find your flow! In terms of going abroad, I was more excited than nervous. The language barrier was probably the biggest issue but you adapt very quickly and learn a bit of Spanish during the course. After the course finished I even decided to stick around and travel through Central America solo, something I never would have had the confidence to do before.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Ben Hunter

Job Title
Program Advisor & Business Development Coordinator
Ben has worked in the outdoor and travel industry for several years. A passionate advocate of outdoor adventures and the joys of exploring remote places, his current focus is on developing new trips and expeditions to support the existing range of exciting programmes already offered by Gapforce.
Ben H.

What is your favorite travel memory?

It's hard to pick just one! Spending time with the Bribri tribe in Costa Rica and crossing the border into Panama on a multi-day trek was really special. Exploring the remote border country with my friends and our local guide was the definition of adventure! Spotting snakes, crossing rivers, finding campsites and sleeping in hammocks was epic. The excitement of forging a path through the dense jungle with my machete will always stay with me.

Oh, and snorkeling in the Bahamas was pretty good as well! Not to mention walking along the Great Wall of China...

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have developed a growing respect and appreciation of the benefits of group travel experiences. For those who are dying to travel and see the world, but have not been away from home before, travelling alone can be daunting to say the least. Planning the itinerary of a trip can at times be brilliant, as you look forward to your adventures, but can also be quite tricky, with the duration of your trip, knowing where to start, budgeting and packing in as much as possible being common headaches. That's why companies like Gapforce are so great!

Our adventure travel trips are led by experienced and qualified Gapforce Expedition Leaders who have worked in all four corners of the globe. The itineraries are planned and the accommodation is booked - all you need to do is get on the plane and let the adventure begin!

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

Travelling and getting out of your comfort zone is a fantastic way to experience new things and gain different a different perspective on life. I guarantee that all our participants will be different people once they've returned home after joining us on one of our many programs.

One of the participants on our flagship Expedition Leader Training program was so inspired by the medical and first aid training he received that, after finishing the program, he went off to university to train as a Paramedic. Joining a Gapforce trip will not only inspire you too see more of the world, it may also fast-track your career.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

As an adventure lover and someone who loves multi-day treks I'd have so say our programs in Nepal and South America. Trekking to Everest Base Camp is a once in a lifetime opportunity and should never be turned down! The Salkantay trek to the historic ruins of Machu Picchu should also be on any budding explorers bucket list, and we've not even mentioned the amazing Galápagos Islands or the lush and vibrant Amazon jungle. Both destinations have everything you could possible need when planning your dream adventure travel trip!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

All the staff at Gapforce have either travelled with us on our range of programs or are graduates of our Expedition Leader Training course. We are a small and close-knit team with a clear focus on providing the best and most exciting adventure travel experiences. If you ask us a question about any of our trips we'll know the answer, because we've been there!

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Everyone at Gapforce is committed to providing incredible and life-changing travel experiences. With continued dedication and hard work, we are exceptionally proud of our exciting range of programs and the great feedback we so often receive. Our industry leading expeditions and adventure travel trips have been running around the world since 1989 - we have no plans to stop any time soon!

Professional Associations

Gap Year Association Logo
USA Gap Year Fairs Logo