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Absolute Internship

Why choose Absolute Internship?

Absolute Internship is an award-winning global internship program. We offer students the opportunity to broaden their professional and social network whilst gaining invaluable skills in their industry of choice. Since our inception in 2009 we have matched over 5,000 students with 800+ corporate partners in world-class cities including Barcelona, Beijing, Hong Kong, Madrid, Paris, Lisbon, London, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm and Tokyo. We are regularly featured in The New York Times, BBC News, Forbes Magazine, Financial Times, and Bloomberg as a worldwide leader for internship programs.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Absolute gave me the start that I needed!

After applying to hundreds of internships over 8 months during my high credit load semesters, I was starting to lose hope that I would find an internship for this summer. I haven’t had any previous industry experience, so I was feeling pretty unlucky during my job search. One of my friends recommended Absolute internships to me, and after reaching out to them, I had a position within five days (interviewed, contracts signed, the whole nine)!

The internship was very cheap and matched me with a company that was just right for my situation. Even though there was just a week before the internship cycle began, they still matched me with a great company.

I recommend this company to anyone looking for a simple, quick, and quality internship experience. Loved them!

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Yes, I recommend this program

I highly recommend!

I had a great experience with Absolute Internship! You get what you pay for. My program coordinators, Marta and Tuti, were so helpful and nice throughout the whole process. We took fun weekend trips. I would be specific when they ask what kind of internship you want. I learned real world skills and have many connections now. I am happy I choose this program because it was better than the other ones I looked at. They were organized and I felt safe the entire time. This program is real, and worth it!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
When going through the internship placement process, tell them exactly what you are looking for/want. What you say is a big factor of your internship placement.
  • Networking
  • Friendships
  • Professional Skills
  • Communication before going on the program
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing internship experience in Barcelona

I absolutely loved the setting and responsibilities of my internship. Absolute Internship's placement allowed me to intern for a sustainability organization (which I want to study in college), largely in Spanish and supervised directly by the founder. This experience was incredible in helping me achieve my gap year goals, and I also met a wonderful international group of peers. Although I really enjoyed the experience of living in Barcelona university housing, my one complaint about the program is that our particular dorm was in a bad location in the city and didn't have good food.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Time in Madrid

Madrid was such a great place to study. Madrid is very big so there's a lot of different things to do. From parks, great food, people, fun clubs, and things to see. I had my own room with a gym in the basement, so I really coudnt have asked for better housing. I also was able to travel around Spain alot, for fairly cheap. Overall unforgettable trip

The places I would recommend are Tiki Taco, the Reina Sofía, El Retiro Park, a tour of Real Madrid stadium, Wow Hall, Icon, El Capital, Divorare sandwiches, any rooftop bar, brutal bar, and Tierra Burrito Bar.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would walk to more places. The buses and metro are very accessible to I would often take one of them because of the ease of it. However later in my trip I decided to walk to more places and I got to see and understand the city and cool things much more
  • So many good and cheap food places
  • Cheap alcohol
  • Real Madrid is the best soccer team ever
  • Really hot in the summer
  • Spanish people have very little care for personal space
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience in Paris

The company was great. Had the possibility to really get the most out of this experience. Being in Paris also gave me the chance to improve french during my stay. I would suggest to do at least 2 month so as to be involved really in the company’s life. Therefore recommended! It builds your resume and leaves you enriched especially in terms of practice which sometimes is left aside in university. The process was very smooth, lots of advices about how to prepare for the interview and in general it was worth.


Displaying 1 - 9 of 14

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I decided to apply for an internship with Absolute Internship because I really wanted to undergo an internship abroad and, after doing a lot of research, Absolute Internship was highly recommended from various reliable sources.

I decided to undergo a Law internship, as I am currently staying Law at my 3-year Univeristy, and I really wanted to do an internship abroad.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

I personally had to organise the entire trip by my self. However, thankfully, the amazing people working at Absolute Internship helped me with everything. Especially when it came to VISA applications and the hotel and transportation, they literally did everything for me. For this, I am very grateful, as they really made the entire experience stress free.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

One piece of advice that I would give is to go alone and not go with friends that you already know. By going alone, you get to meet many people and make amazing friendships. As such, if you go with a friend that you already know, you are less likely to step out of your comfort zone and make new friends.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

When you undergo an internship abroad, there are no average days. Every day you do new and different things, by making every day exciting and amazing. You do, however, have a routine.

What my friend and I would do is wake up early, have breakfast together and then go to our internships; in the evening, after we finished working, we would all meet up. Every time we would do different things, in the afternoon, like go to the city or the beach, go shopping or go to a museum and so on. I honestly can’t wait to do it again!

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear before going to Hong Kong was traveling alone. I often fly from the UK to Italy or other European countries, but I never traveled alone to literally the other side of the world. I was very nervous and scared, but thanks to the people working at Absolute Internship, I was able to overcome my fears.

They helped me arrange transportation from the airport in Hong Kong to the hotel, and they also sent me a link to search for a cheaper flight. As such, I felt way more comfortable.

If you could do this trip again, what would you change?

If I could go back in time, one thing that I would do differently during my internship in Hong Kong is applied for a two months internship in Hong Kong instead of one month.

After spending one month in Hong Kong, I felt that I did all of the things on my wish list. However, I enjoyed the experience so much, that I would have loved to stay more, especially since all of the friends that I made a life in different parts of the world, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to see them again.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Thuy Tran

Job Title
Operations Coordinator
Thuy works as Operations Coordinator at Absolute Internship.

Having the fortune to go aboard, to experience the academic and professional life in different cultures has broadened her mind in a way she could never have thought of. And so, she is now planing, organizing, and delivering international education and training opportunities to inspire and provide the same or even better experience for young minds who urge for exploration and growth.
Thuy Tran


What is your favorite travel memory?

During my 4 months working as Program Coordinator at Singapore, I had an amazing time exploring the city and go into deeper layers of the cultures and local's life here. It's a tiny country but full of surprises and a diverse mix of cultures. It has taught me a lot about how such a small nation could grow so fast and tremendously in the past 50 years

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

The opportunity to go out there, exploring different lands and interacting with different people simple opens my mind and eyes. I also realized a very important aspect and value of my job, what I am doing when seeing the significant changes the experience has brought to the student. It's very rewarding.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I think it'd definitely be the transformation incurred within themselves after the programs. Some never traveled abroad, some never interact in a different language from their own and with the program, they were able to step out of their comfort zone, build a beautiful connections with fellow interns and local, and growth personally and professionally.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Singapore since I lived the program and see so much growth within my elf but also in the students who came to this city. It's a well organized program that allows students to see and experience a different culture thoroughly.

In a short period of time, with a combination of professional experience (internship), excursion and local cultural activities, students are able to get a full immersion into the Singaporean life.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Absolute Intern ship is team of international people, with different backgrounds and cultures, and yet we come together with the sole purpose to create opportunities and bring changes.

I'm very proud of the team as every single action we are doing now, we're doing it with care and love and an urge to bring changes.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I think it's the team who believe in what they do, the value and mission of the company. Everyone at Absolute Internship is very passionate about travelling and personal development and that helps us come together as the A team to build and run the programs and help students realize how much changes they could have for their life and others.

Professional Associations

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