Affordable Volunteering with Love Volunteers

Love Volunteers

Why choose Love Volunteers?

We are just a handful of passionate people working hard to help volunteers and local communities around the world. We don't have huge overheads - no company cars, no downtown office - we're just volunteers who thought we could do a better job. We work with local organisations wherever we can to keep administration costs to a minimum and also to return as much money and skills to the local communities where we operate. We can offer the lowest possible fees, but also ensure that you are immersed in the local culture and are actually making a difference!



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Yes, I recommend this program

Life-Changing Experience in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Being a part of the youth development program in the city of Brcko was a watershed moment in my life. While I fully expected to go and add value in terms of previous work experience, I left completely astounded at how much I had learned about a new culture and myself as a person.

I would strongly recommend the program to anybody capable of travelling to Bosnia and Herzegovina by themselves because it is a perfect blend of personal discovery, contribution to society and learning about one of the most fascinating regions of the world.

In addition, the support staff at the local organisation are incredible people that have all forsaken better opportunities elsewhere because they have a strong commitment to what they are doing with the local people and that is perhaps the most inspiring part of all of this. Give everything of yourself and you will make friends for life.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would definitely be more conscious of the schedule faced by the young people with whom I worked. Things that I took for granted during my education, e.g. having a firm examination schedule, are NOT guaranteed for the participants at the program and this gave me a unique perspective on my own luck as well as a firm learning opportunity for the future.
  • Extremely warm-hearted people throughout the country
  • Excellent value for money
  • A legitimate chance to make an overnight change in peoples' lives
  • Not always the easiest place to travel - consider driving, if possible
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Yes, I recommend this program

Never too old to volunteer

When I was calculating how many years left before I retire, I was thinking about what kind of birthday present I would like to give myself this year: I want to have a meaningful vacation. I had chosen to volunteer in the Women Empowerment project for 4 weeks in Chiangmai, Thailand, with Love Volunteer organization. When I arrived Chiangmai, before I started my project, we had a 2 days volunteer orientation where I received more updated information about my project. We also have a bit of language and culture lesson and sightseeing time lead by the local staff. Since my project site was about 30 minutes ride from my accommodation, the local host (Friends for Asia) offered me daily drop off/pick up. This really ease the pain of finding my ride to the site.
My project site is Wildflower Home for single mothers with children. The director of the site had a short interview with me to find out what can my strength be the best support for them there. I worked at the daycare to support a staff in the morning and helped the director with her office work in the afternoon. (Other works I did include painting a mural for them and taught the mothers to make earrings to sell.) Overall, the interaction with the children and mothers was very present. I really treasure the time I spent there with other volunteers, staff, mothers and children. I met 3 other senior volunteers at the local volunteer house and we had a lot of fun together. I also made a few new friends with other volunteers and staff. I think I might go back to volunteer again next time. I had a positive and wonderful time during my 4 weeks stay. This was a sweet memory for me to treasure.

What was your funniest moment?
Children can really surprise you in many and unexpected ways. So much fun and laughter!
  • Flexible work areas; e.g. Gardening, construction, childcare, English, craft cooking and clerical.
  • Nice and friendly environment
  • Bring what you can to best support the staff, mothers and children.
  • Some language barrier
  • Expect low hygiene standard
  • Hot & humid weather
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful experience with amazing people

I went to Rabat, Morocco as an Intern with Morocco World News, and absolutely loved it. While COVID-19 had a big impact on the trip (MWN’s office was close as a precaution so I mostly worked from home), I was able to receive thoughtful guidance and support from the MWN team, as well as from Ali and others. I loved my fellow volunteers and enjoyed getting to know people from around the world, and was able to have many fun adventures traveling around the country. Traveling to Morocco with LoveVolunteers was an unforgettable experience and I would love to go again.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Love Volunteers Medical Program

Where do I even begin? This program has been one of the most influential experiences of my life, which is why I went twice and hope to return several more times. I volunteered at a government hospital in the labor ward and am now currently an L&D nurse in the US. It was more than the patients and healthcare workers that stole my heart; it was living in a village, submersed in the culture, hosted by two amazing individuals and their family that made my time there precious. In fact, I wasn’t ready to return home when my stay ended.
The hosts Bazil and Alice are incredible. They work extremely hard around the clock & sacrifice their own family time to ensure that each volunteer is comfortable and well taken care of. On a side not, you’ll actually come to find they take care of practically the entire village, too. While you are planning your trip they will be sure to answer any questions you have promptly and provide you with information to make the arrival process seamless. Great for individuals, groups, couples, families. There is something to be found for anyone of any age!!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Please remain open minded in all that you do and I promise you will have the best time. Uganda’s culture is different than many others and sometimes it takes people time to get past that. Sometimes things run on “African time” and events or meet ups may be delayed several hours. They always say “you wear the time, but we have the time.” It’s about being laid and not stressing, in fact sometimes neighbors or passerby’s will tell you that you’re walking too fast.

Be sure to wear modest clothing. No strapped tank tops or short shorts/skirts, leggings, etc especially in villages. They are not used to seeing lots of skin - especially not white skin. The weather is usually very comfortable, not extremely hot like everyone imagines.

Learning a few words or phrases in Luganda, the language of the central region, will prove to be helpful in breaking down barriers with the locals or even getting around using public transportation and going to the markets. Ugandans have some views where they think white people (muzungu) are rich and will often try to upcharge taxi fares or food prices - your hosts will provide you with a list of normal market prices. Make sure to greet those you pass or offer a smile. Pre COVID there’s lots of shaking hands.

When your day is finished at your volunteer site, try venturing out and trying new things. Sometimes I would go to the water well with the children when they were doing their chores, help kids with English homework, or read then storybooks. Offer to help with making dinner and learn about the local cuisine.

A lot of times volunteers are shocked about different living areas and “squatty potties” and retreat to their room after a day. The transportation on a 14 passenger taxi or the back of a motorcycle “Boda Boda” can be intimidating, but I promise Ugandans take great care of travelers and are perhaps the most hospitable people in all of Africa. I felt safer there than I did on a college campus.

Do not worry about cell phone services - you can buy a cheap SIM card when you get there and buy a very affordable phone plan. Just make sure your phone is unlocked. Take your passport with you to the phone service shop (usually Africell or MTN). Sometimes there is trouble with AT&T and T-Mobile serviced phones. People tend to have the best luck with Verizon phones. Reception is actually pretty good, even in the village. Another note - don’t exchange your money at the airport. You will get a far better rate exchanging at a local place near your assignment.

Finally if you have the means, ask how you can help the children or your neighbors where you stay. A lot of my family and friends now sponsor some of the children to go to school - education and meals are gold!!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Medical internship

Very good experience,

‏I rate Delhi 2/10 because the weather was polluted, the roads so traffic, unsafe driving and not clean.

About the accommodation; it good, safe and very clean also the staff mainly “Shankar” were so nice and respectful.

‏Great staff and the hospital also good but I think the exposure was little because it’s private hospital and not considered as trauma center so the quantity of the patients was low.

About the food; for me was not good because it was so spicy and you have to choose good and high rate restaurants to get clean and good food

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you have the chance go and do it, but I think be careful with the duration not more than 2 weeks.
‏The feelings after volunteering does not express
Response from Love Volunteers

Thanks for sharing your experience, Hamidh. I know this will help future volunteers to prepare for their internship in Delhi.

We appreciate your generous gift of time on this program and hope to work with you again in the future.

The team @ Love Volunteers


Displaying 1 - 9 of 46

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Loren Irene Sandoval Arteaga

At the age of 19 Loren has lived in five different countries. A travel addict, a coffee lover, and sunset chaser, you can never find her still in one place.
Loren Irene Sandoval Arteaga

Why did you choose this program?

As a woman that grew up in Mexico I was witness to the inequalities between men and women in my society. These abuses often let me angry, frustrated and wishing that I could have an active role in stopping it.

The program in Morocco attracted me even more because no only was the organization working with women but with indigenous women that had even less opportunities and political voice in a country that is still prominently male dominated.

The idea that I was able to make a change and contribute to the world gave me motivation to take this opportunity.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Love Volunteers was a great mediator between me and my organization. They took care of contacting the NGO and arranging the accommodation in Rabat.

All of my questions were answered quickly and they made sure I had all the necessary information. The only thing I had to do for myself was find the flight and get medical insurance/vaccines.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

I think the most important thing is not to have expectations. Most of the time, things never go as we imagine and that leads to disappointment.

Being prepared for the idea that you might be working in an office and doing logistical work, rather than hands on work, is also helpful. If you are hesitant about volunteering abroad, don't be. It is one of the greatest, most profitable experiences one could ever have.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

A normal day consisted on going to my organization around 10 am and working at the office translating documents, organizing workshops or looking up information.

At 16:00 I would be out of the office and be able to wander around the city and grab a coffee, walk along the beach, or visit one of the many touristic sites in Rabat.

I would often meet friends as well and go out to explore the Medina and ruins near the city. In the evening I would go back to the volunteer house to meet with the rest of the volunteers, have dinner and talk for a while before going to bed.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it and/or how did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was without doubt the religious difference between Morocco and my own country. The media has spread stereotypes about Islam that have really affected the way we see Muslim countries and sometimes family members are not very encouraging.

However, once I was living there I found it ridiculous that it was my fear before coming. Once I started immersing myself in the culture and interacting with the people I realized that there was nothing to be afraid of and felt at home in a matter of days.

How is it for a woman to travel alone in Morocco?

This is one of the questions I was asked the most. I think that traveling as a woman in Morocco has its own challenges but at the same time was very empowering.

It is normal for men to cat call women walking on the streets and approach them with inappropriate comments and questions. It is not something to be afraid of, and the best thing to do is simply ignore them and keep doing your own thing. However, it can be a little scary for those of us who are not used to the attention.

On the other hand, being able to travel alone and be independent in a country where the society is mostly male dominant, can give a woman a lot of self confidence.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Mike Brackenridge

Job Title
Programs Manager
As the Programs Manager for the fast-growing global volunteering organization Love Volunteers, Mike plays a key role in ensuring volunteers are placed in only the highest quality projects where their help is truly needed. A proud ‘kiwi’, he is a key member of the LV management team, a self-confessed ‘travel-junkie’ and a 'bit of a foodie!’. If you have any questions about any one of the 200+ projects LV currently offers, Mike is the guy to ask!

What is your favorite travel memory?

Being part of an organization that has intrepid, meaningful travel at its very heart, I have had the privilege of spending A LOT of time visiting amazing community projects all around the world. Each project has been unique and special in it own way, and every location has had something new and exciting to offer me personally. Aside from the project visits though, I'l never forget Aguas Calientes (aka Machu Picchu Village). A must-see for anyone volunteering with us in Cusco, Peru!

Which destination is most underrated? Conversely, which is most overrated?

Honduras! For one reason or another this amazing country has had a seriously bad rap in the media over recent years and consequently a lot of people are put off going there, which is such a shame as there is such great need for volunteers. Yes there are some less than desirable parts of the country (as there are in any country), but we only operate projects in areas that are completely safe. There is so much to see and do in La Ceiba and El Porvenir, where our projects. The Honduran people are so welcoming and with palm fringed, white-sandy beaches literally on your doorstep, it is like volunteering in paradise! I don't think any location is 'overrated', and each has its own unique flavor, but I would certainly suggest considering Honduras! You won't regret it!

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Easy. Our focus is on the projects, not on maximizing profit! Unlike some of the large 'corporate-type' organizations out there, our aim is to meet the needs of each project, not fill spaces in volunteer houses. If a project only requires 2 volunteers at a time, then this is the limit we set. With Love Volunteers you will never find yourself at a school or orphanage with 20 or 30 other volunteers when only 5 are needed. Our volunteers are part of our global family, not just a number.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

I believe that despite rapid growth and now offering the widest range of projects available globally, Love Volunteers has maintained the ethos and values that were at the very heart of its inception back in 2009, and these still form the solid foundations of our organization. All decisions and actions are based around one single goal: Helping as many people as possible - where help is truly needed. To achieve this our focus is on making volunteering abroad as affordable and accessible as possible, while providing the best support and guidance we can to all of our amazing volunteers.

Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of your current team.

This is such a wonderfully fulfilling sector to be involved in! At any given moment there are upwards of 150+ Love Volunteers out there working hard and changing lives on meaningful service projects around the world. Our volunteers are always in constant contact with us and almost daily we receive amazing feedback from them telling us all about their individual achievements, or recanting how the experience has changed their own lives. Each time we receive feedback we read it aloud to the entire team here. Its incredibly uplifting and makes us all very proud of what we do.