Hybrid TEFL Courses

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Hybrid TEFL Courses

Hybrid TEFL Courses


What's a hybrid TEFL course?

A hybrid TEFL course is a course that allows you to study the theory of ESL teaching online, but complete in-person practicum (or practice teaching) sessions. It's a great option for students who need the flexibility of online / distance learning, but still want in-person feedback from their practice teaching sessions.

What People Are Saying

Free Short-stay TEFL Placement (Colombia, Bali, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Europe)

I thought the experience was very generous and well organised. I enjoyed my time with both of my host families, they were extremely kind and always wanted to do activities together and they really...
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TEFL in Antigua, Guatemala with Guaranteed Job Placement

The highlight of the TEFL program at Máximo Nivel is the TEFL professor, Mr. Wayne. Mr. Wayne is very knowledgeable, super fun, charismatic, energetic, and he has this knack for helping you improve as...
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TEFL in Antigua, Guatemala with Guaranteed Job Placement

Pros: -Instructor Wayne is a top notch master instructor brimming with knowledge. -Application of the new knowledge by teaching a class which develop your ESL skills -The staff is friendly and helpful...
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