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International Volunteer HQ - IVHQ

Why choose International Volunteer HQ - IVHQ?

International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ) brings people together from all walks of life to make a difference on the adventure of a lifetime. We offer the world’s #1 rated and largest range of volunteer programs with 300+ projects across 40+ countries - from teaching and working with children to medical missions, conservation and wildlife volunteering.

For the past 6 years, we've won the "Top Volunteer Abroad Provider Award" from GoOverseas, so you can trust that you're in good hands! With over 17 years of experience, IVHQ provides safe, impactful and affordable fully-hosted volunteer experiences. Our multi-layered support network and flexible booking policy means you can volunteer abroad with confidence.

Our programs range from 1 to 24 weeks across premier destinations in Africa, Asia, South America, Central America, North America, Europe, the Caribbean, the Middle East and the Pacific.

Join 130,000+ IVHQ travellers who have spent over 8 million hours supporting local communities.


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Yes, I recommend this program

IVHQ in New Delhi India

This is my second travel with IVHQ and I loved my stay again! The local host was great, friendly, flexible and reassuring. I met incredible volunteers from many different countries.
Going to India in New Delhi medical felt impactful. I had the chance to check the vitals and provide medicine to many patients living in local slums. I learnt many things on a medical perspective.
We visited the city with other volunteers in our free time.
The food in the house was delicious.
I'll definitely go again!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Visiting the New Delhi slums with the local doctor was quite overwhelming! Luckily the other volunteers, local IVHQ coordinator and local doctor were here to support us.
  • Local team support
  • Discovering the real India
  • Progress in medical expericence
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Marvel Sarah
Yes, I recommend this program

Childcare Volunteer in Ghana

It was a wonderful experience working with IVHQ. I am so excited to take up this opportunity as a volunteer for Childcare in Ghana. One of the most significant aspects of my life that will continue to mold me into the person I am becoming is my volunteer experience in Ghana. I can give back to the world that provides me with so much by volunteering. Since everyone has a different definition of volunteer service, there is no universally accepted definition. Is it the sound of the adorable kids having fun, learning, and participating in their activities? Perhaps it's the happiness on the faces of the kids that I see, or the amazing care we received from the local team from pickup, nice meals etc, and the way the community accepted us that volunteering are all of these things. I have developed numerous skills through volunteer work. I am grateful for all that volunteering has done for me through IVHQ.

What was your funniest moment?
My fun moment was playing with children and learning different cultures and traditions, games from the children.
  • Positive Impact in career
  • It is fun
  • It is a great experience
  • None
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteering in Bali

I give thanks that programs like this exist. Volunteering was a useful and heartwarming time. I have learned so much, enjoyed everyday outdoors in nature, made new friends who are on the other side of the world, and will have the most beautiful photos to look back to. The local staff of my turtle conservation program know everything about turtles and I can see that they are making a huge difference on this earth. I have learned so much from them and enjoyed hands-on helping baby turtles. I am already thinking about when I could return…

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I turned back time to do this again, I would completely clear my phone storage before the trip. My phone storage was FULL very quickly from the most beautiful photos and videos of Bali and islands around. Every day I have made unforgettable memories.
  • Hear warning feeling of helping out.
  • Unforgettable adventure.
  • Making new friends in other side of the world.
  • I only wished I had more time to volunteer for longer, I feel inlove with my program and the location.
  • For me food was fine, but some friends did get tired of how similar it was day to day. But there are options to eat out nearby if that is an issue.
  • If anything, I might have liked even more local food at the accommodation. But the staff did very well to attend to the needs of the majority.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteer journey

My journey volunteering with Ivhq aboard was most enjoyable incredible experience meeting new people from all over world - is exciting getting know them as also developing friendships - meeting local team the guild as long the way - volunteer job was so fun helping out shelter with animals was fun - cleaning and feeding them was great way connect with people at shelter and touching animals that you don’t often work with is great experience as well - volunteering and traveling is good way to gain independence and getting of your comfort zone . Anyone who wants to should just do it do not over think it !

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
When you volunteer be open minded on your project and try it before thinking otherwise it gives you positive outcome
  • Working with animals you never prob work with
  • Meeting locals
  • Learning things about the animals
  • You won’t work with all animals that is in shelter
  • Some days maybe long shifts
  • Heat can be very hot if you volunteer with animals during summer
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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible from beginning to end.

The experience was truly incredible from beginning to end. Throughout the entire process, I felt accompanied and secure, with assistance available at all times. The company consistently prioritizes your well-being and safety, ensuring that you feel comfortable and happy, just like at home. Their commitment to providing exceptional service and support is evident in every interaction. The dedication and effort of everyone involved are truly magnificent, making the entire experience seamless and enjoyable.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The most surprising thing I saw was how resourceful and adaptive caregivers in regions of Africa are when it comes to changing diapers. Due to financial constraints, they often can't afford traditional disposable diapers. Instead, they ingeniously use a cloth, such as a blanket, wrapped around the baby, with a plastic bag placed over it to prevent leaks. This practice not only underscores their creativity and resilience but also highlights the urgent need for better access to essential childcare products.
  • Cultural Immersion
  • Personal Growth
  • Language Barriers


Displaying 1 - 9 of 59

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Jay Patel

Jay has lived in the UK all her life however her family originate from India, a country and culture that she is very proud of.

Jay has worked for the NHS for 20+ years and recently decided to take early retirement and do other things, things that make a difference and that she has not had the time to do whilst in full time employment.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose these programs as I have always wanted to work with children and teach, especially in rural areas in another country. Sri Lanka offered me all of my heritage and more so felt it was meant to be.

The two programs were so different yet full of richness and opportunity, working with children our future...

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

IVHQ was brilliant they organized everything from application, registration, accommodation, and transport.
They helped with the program selection however this was flexible and could be changed on arrival which I thought was good. The team was always on hand if you had any questions. They also had a team call with all volunteers so you could get to know them and see what others were asking which I thought was a great idea

I just needed to provide my documents, such as my CV, police check for the registration

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Be open-minded, and embrace the journey and cultures! It will be different and difficult at times but it will also be the most rewarding journey you will experience. We are so blessed that we forget the basics in our everyday life.
These programs touch you in more ways than you will ever understand so I would say don't put it off do it today!

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

You have breakfast at 730 and then head for the first program - a nursery school from 8 am to 12:30, During this time you assist the teachers with all activities, reading, painting, games, and feeding the children who are between 2- 5 years old.

You go back to the volunteer's house for lunch and then 3 pm - 5 pm you go to the village to teach the village kids. There is no structure, you don't know what's been taught before either so you have to engage with the children to understand them and what you think will benefit them. The children (aged between 8 - and 12) are amazingly keen to learn, full of enthusiasm and so thankful for your presence. The teaching was so variable as you can cover so much with them such as Basic Maths, English spelling, Countries and Maps, and fun activities. You walk feeling blessed to be in their presence!

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

Being on my own, at the age of 56 I had never been away on my own (unless it was through work) so being in another country on my own was a little worrying however I got support from the beginning from the program facilitators here and in Sri Lanka so felt as I was part of a family from the offset. I just had to be open with communication and engage with other volunteers as we were all on our own!

Write and answer your own question.

For those who are thinking of volunteering, my only message to them is to do it now! Life is too short and YOU can make a difference to so many people, programs, and lives including yours. I started the program thinking I wanted to give something back and make a difference, but I feel as if the program was a gift to me, I am honored to have been able to experience something that so many will never get the chance to do. It has altered my perspective in life and it's something I will do again. Why Not eh? You get a chance not just to volunteer but to learn about other cultures and countries combining it with a holiday too!!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Why did you choose this program?

The IVHQ program seemed to offer all that I was looking for: destination, available projects, affordability, plus the fact that it not simply an adventure travel company. Their programs were dedicated to helping communities in need. The schools where we worked had all been built by volunteers, and we provided materials and labor to renovate and build toilet facilities for the children. A few weeks of work by a few people eventually build a school.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

IVHQ assists with everything: flight information, visa and health requirements, airport pick up, travel to placement, orientation, daily visits to the worksites, and regular meetings at our residence to discuss any issue.

The website provides most of this information in advance, but it's reassuring to meet "face to face" with the organizers. On our own, we have to arrange emergency travel health insurance, criminal background report, vaccinations, and visa requirements if required.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

In Africa, bring as few clothes as possible, and nothing with long sleeves and long pants. Clothes can be washed daily if necessary. Insect repellents are only required at night, as they simply wash away in the daytime by the heat. Bring anti-malaria medication and personal toiletries, and a small first aid kit.

My advice: DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING! You will be with an outstanding group of people and you will have a fantastic adventure.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

Because of the heat in Ghana, all 10 of us only worked in the mornings.

In construction, we left for our 30-minute walk to the site around 6:30 am and it was an enjoyable walk, as everybody waved and greeted us. We returned to our compound around noon on motorbikes.

The childcare group prepared breakfast and lunch for the school children and were finished by 1 pm. Their school was only a 5-minute walk. Afternoons and evenings were spent reading, playing games, interacting with the children.

Weekends were for sightseeing, usually gone for 2 days (at our expense).

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

I had no fears, no concerns. The website provides all the information that you need about your program. The country website (tourism) provides the rest.

As for safety, always remember that you are in a group. There are no safety concerns at the placement site, and we traveled on weekends in groups for 8 or more. Local people are very hospitable and helpful. You will soon discover that you have no worries.

Enjoy your stay.

Professional Associations

Institute of International Education Logo
World Youth and Student Travel Conference Logo